I don't want age limits because that's ableist. I want term limits. That's an entirely different thing and this poll is intended to receive/manufacture consent.
This kind of idpol idiocy is dogmatic. It's not ableist to keep babies from holding office and old people degenerate into babies. It's not hard to understand.
it's absolutely an inherent quality of being old. no not every 66 year old is unfit to fly a plane. but airlines don't let them fly. that's the way it is and that's the way it should be. stop whining about discrimination.
If it doesn't apply to everyone it's not an inherent quality. Why is it okay to discriminate against one person for the qualities of another?
The airline rule used to be age 60 which wasn't based on medical evidence. The data actually showed older pilots are just as capable as their younger counterparts. When we raised it to 65 that new limit wasn't based on data either. We realized older pilots are just as capable and chose a new, slightly higher, arbitrary number
the plane is broken. some 1 in 4 of our countrymen believe a fascist lie. and you're still bickering over whether or not the senility of the pilots was a factor?
try this rather than handwaving over the airline decision: explain to me how a generation which fought the cold war ended up electing an obvious russian asset into its highest office without concluding that their politics has gone rancid in their old age.
It is justifiable to bar someone from office because of what might happen to them? Someone can be fit for office and could remain so until the day they die, but they shouldn't be allowed to hold that position because something might happen to them at some undetermined point in the future?