OTTAWA - Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says Canada has been considering a “game plan” for how it would respond if the United States takes a far-right, authoritarian shift after next year’s presidential elections.
Unjustified removal of rights of the people. The US has already done this with its bans on abortion and removal of some rights for transpeople.
Radical Conservativism. We are seeing this in the US with book banning and burnings and the fact that the state and church is tied tightly together, despite its claims that its not.
Ultra-Nationalist ideals. The US exhibits this already in many facets.
The US also has a strong xenophobia towards non-Americans and refugees.
While America is not quite there yet, they surly are on track to being far right.
The points that the article suggested were political refugees and NATO weakening due to US isolation starting from Obama. Not sure how xenophobia or removal of rights has anything to do with how Canada operates.
But i know I was asking how to determine far right so thats fair. As of now, I cant tell the difference between right and far right. What I usually expect to hear is anything that isnt chosen by progressives is far right lately.
I have to ask what... if I ask then im a far right? Is that the metric you go by? I absolutely love how all i did was ask what people consider far right and i get downvoted with no explanation except 'hurrr why are you asking, you should know! Isnt it programmed into your blood?'