Most major subreddits show a decrease of between 50 and 90 percent in average daily posts and comments, when compared to a year ago. This suggests the problem is way fewer users, not the same number of users browsing less. The huge and universal dropoff also suggests that people left, either because of the changes or the protests, and they aren’t coming back.
It also sucks for game development community too. I've been thinking of going back to Reddit. Lemmy is neat but the community is mainly Linux users who seem to purposely miss the point of a lot of things. Specially if you aren't making it using open source software.
Personally, I'm very interested in Unicorn Overlord. After having played both 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (one of my favorite games of all time) and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, I'm very excited to see what Vanillaware has in store for us next. I didn't expect to hear from them so soon since they're such a small company (only 29 people).
I haven't played their stuff so I suppose it's one of those don't know what you don't know kinda things. I suppose my initial judgement is a bit harsh though.
13 Sentinels is their most recent release. It just recently sold its one millionth copy. It's a sci-fi game. It's one of those games where you should go in as blind as possible, but I will say it's legitimately one of the best stories I have ever played, and it works in such a way that it'd be impossible to adapt to any other medium. It's, at the very least, in my top two of not my number one favorite game.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is a PS4 remake of their Odin Sphere game (originally released on the PS2) with new content, new gameplay mechanics, and updated graphics. The remake also includes a port of the original game for free. It's a fantasy game that blends a bunch of mythology (primarily Norse mythology) together into its own story. Its gameplay style is a side-scrolling beat 'em up with RPG elements.
Both games are directed by George Kamitani, the studio's CEO.
The studio also made Muramasa: The Demon Blade and Dragon's Crown, but I haven't played either of those yet.
Ah, yeah TTYD and RPG are also big ones but I've beaten both so many times they don't really register on my scale. Helldivers I'm cautiously optimistic as I played the first one a lot but this one is far different from the looks of it.