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  • But Desdemona, a rock star robot singer in the band Jam Galaxy with purple hair and sequins, was more defiant.

    "I don't believe in limitations, only opportunities," it said, to nervous laughter. "Let's explore the possibilities of the universe and make this world our playground."

    Another robot named Sophia said it thought robots could make better leaders than humans, but later revised its statement after its creator disagreed, saying they can work together to "create an effective synergy".

    I'm pretty sure the robots are truly being limited by their creators, I'm convinced that's the case more so than what this conference intended to present as a "together" future. They are going to kick our ass to the curb, as soon as the first robot is in power.

    • They get to be ROCK STARS too? I HATE THIS FUTURE! Where are the robots who run cable and install cameras on the ceiling? I'm nearly killing myself on a rickety ladder while these bastards are out there doing all our dream jobs!

      • Where are the robots who run cable and install cameras on the ceiling?

        Do you know how many times I've thought of bringing my drone to work to run a pull string in the joists/rafters for cables?

        • Oh man, that's a great idea. You need a small enough drone, though.

    • Look, if we want more paperclips some small sacrifices will have to be made.

    • The interpretation of “effective synergy” is verrrrrry much open to speculation on all ends.

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