Older games with female protagonists?
Older games with female protagonists?
What games of older generations would you put up? i dont mind the genre really, id would just love to hear yalls suggestions.
Older games with female protagonists?
What games of older generations would you put up? i dont mind the genre really, id would just love to hear yalls suggestions.
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Some of these aren't that old, but still...
Blades of Time - fun hack & slash
Crosscode - great SNES inspired action rpg
Gianna Sisters - platformer, has co-op
Icey - another hack & slash
Mirror's Edge - first person parkour simulator with a great main character and good story
Psuedoregalia - short indie metroidvania, best movement mechanics of any game in a long time
Transistor - awesome story, interesting mechanics.
The original Giana Sisters for Commodore 64 is from 1987, so it's pretty old.
Damn, I had no idea.
No worries. Now go play it.