What is the craziest thing that's ever happened in your life?
What is the craziest thing that's ever happened in your life?
Curious to know what people have encountered in their lives.
What is the craziest thing that's ever happened in your life?
Curious to know what people have encountered in their lives.
My father took up a side gig consulting for the Russian government. They paid him in envelopes of American $100 bills. Then he met a grad student and started an affair with her and then divorced my mom and left the family to move to his apartment in Russia then moved to China to raise his new child and then unsuccessfully attempted to sue my whole family and I for sharing the same last name with him “fraudulently”.
Big shoes to fill.
For real haha. Jokes on him though, at least I can maintain lasting relationships with people 😎
Envelopes of $100 bills 🤷 Human affection
I think you made the right choice 😅