What shitty things have your favourite bands/artists done?
Discovered recently that Electric Wizard were kinda dicks back in the day.
"At the time, we were pretty bad people. I got arrested for arson of a car, outside a police station. Tim [Bagshaw] went to nick a crucifix off a church roof so we could use it onstage..."
R. L. Burnside killed a man "possibly at a craps game."
Varg of Mayhem Burzum burned a couple churches and killed a bandmate.
I could list other examples, but would like to hear from other people and other music genres.
Came in here to mention how much a of a dick Maynard was to a seamstress friend of mine. It was an hour or so before showtime and she had the audacity to replace the button on his vintage leather Cavaricci pants with one that wasn't an actual Cavaricci button. He treated her like a foolish peasant that should have been more prepared to deal with an elite. Seems kinda light considering the other posts, but anytime I can call him out for being a dick, I'mma do it.
Tool has been my favorite band for ~25 years now. I've been a fan through nearly their entire history and if there's one thing that's been a consistent element of the band, it's that MJK is a fucking prick. No two ways about it. He's a little shit with a HUGE ego and he's just not a pleasant human. Creative as hell and damn good at what he does but a massive massive dick head. He's not the reason I like Tool though and I wouldn't even call myself an MJK fan, I dislike him in a lot of ways but when it comes to him, Danny, Adam and Justin laying down some badass fuckin jams, no one does it for me like Tool. Danny and Adam especially. They are the core of Tool for me and I think MJK gets waaaaay too much credit for the band.
This is one of my "broken record" things, but I just can't stop venting about Tool whenever Tool is mentioned online. I absolutely love Tools music, easily some of the best metal of the 90s/2000s, but man do I loathe Tool as a band. They are so fucking pretentious the whole group, always acting like they are so superior in every shape and form while they can't help themselves from scamming their fans over every penny 24/7.
Somehow though Tool fans are even worse! Pretentious bands are nothing new but oh boy are Tool fans a new breed of zealotry. Tool fans are like the meth addicted offspring of KISS fans and Rick & Morty fans. They have the "I'm so smart and fun" attitude of Rick & Morty fans, and the "I need to keep buying overly expensive merch garbage or I will suffer an identity collapse" attitude of KISS fans.
"Look, this song is following the fartonacci sequence even though I don't know what that is!! Better pay for that stupidly expensive site membership again thanks to that revalation I just had!"