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Last time I checked you could still get prison time in the UK for posting rap lyrics on social media.
Interesting. Source?
So paint last time you checked you mean you never checked, and you're talking utter gibberish.
Surprisingly turns out to be true, though it was a fine and not prison. See the link somebody else posted
Not that surprising. The US has free speech rights in its Constitution, and its legal system takes that more seriously than any other country. Unfortunately it doesn't take all the Constitution so seriously, cough, Commerce Clause, cough.
No prison time, but a fine, and community order (I'm unsure what community order is) https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-43816921
Either way, it's a shitty response by the UK government.
Not always just a fine. Plenty of sentences here: https://wiki.openrightsgroup.org/wiki/Communications_Act_2003/Section_127#Cases