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Circumcised men, how do you feel about your parents having mutilated your penis without your consent?

These things are very controversial when it comes to women, but apparently most think it's ok when it's about men.

Do you blame your parents? Why did they do it? Scared of HIV? Not wanting to explain their son how to clean underneath the foreskin?


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  • As someone who medically needed one as an adult. I both appreciate my parents for not doing it to me as a child and have the horrible perspective of how painful this actually is.

    You’re a monster if you do this to a baby. I barely survived it as a full grown man.

    • This is a very personal question, and I know I’m not entitled to an answer, but curiosity has gotten the better of me: why was it required in your case?

      This clearly isn’t a pleasant memory, so feel free to ignore me. Either way, thanks!

      • So I kept getting infections down there. This would usually occur due to hygiene. Now before you write me off as a basement dwelling Reddit moderator, the issue only occurred when I would have long layovers at the airport or would go for a weekend camping trip where I couldn’t properly wash myself down there to the fullest extent.

        The worst one was finally from a 72 hour delay where I was stuck in the airport. After that infection I had enough and asked the doctor why this was such a big problem for me. He recommended due to the frequency of the issue to have it removed. I have not had infection down there since the operation, despite my activity or plans.

        • Yikes. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad it hasn’t been a problem since, at least!

          Now before you write me off as a basement dwelling Reddit moderator…

          I wasn’t expecting to laugh, but this line got me.

    • This is a very personal question, and I know I’m not entitled to an answer, but curiosity has gotten the better of me: why was it required in your case?

      This clearly isn’t a pleasant memory, so feel free to ignore me. Either way, thanks!

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