For me it was "buy high quality pillow" because you sleep for one thrid of a day etc. I needed a new pillow anyway so I came to the store and bought the best they had. And it was ... ok. Like it's a fine pillow but my sleeping haven't improved really, it's basically the same. So I was disapointed :(
ITT: people telling OP what kind of pillow to buy lol
I'm too old for most recent LPT to take hold, but in my youth I heard "simplify" your lifestyle. I didn't understand the message was directed at those with more than they needed, not people like me, living near or in poverty. There's no need for many things, provided you have what you need and it serves you well. I know this now, but then…
Yeah life's better now, appreciate it tho. Not rich by any means, but not desperate or worried about how to pay bills week to week (some months are tight, but we've got savings now)
ITT: people telling OP what kind of pillow to buy lol
This kind of thing makes me wonder if the lemmy app experience is vastly different from the web experience. I don't know how people get in there to read the text and get no hint of what the title is about. Maybe the title isn't very obvious in some apps? It just flies in the face of the common wisdom that people don't read the article, since I've seen lots of cases on here where people ONLY read the text and not the title.