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  • Permanently Deleted

    • Two people talking, doesn't mean either is getting through to the other, unfortunately.

      And by taking the "haahaa, you replied" angle, you've now revealed your goal to be something other than changing someone's mind. But rather, to annoy, to get back at someone.

      Very noble.

      • No you idiot, I didn't want this argument. You're trying to force it upon me and I am deflecting because I am not interested. Go touch some grass. You're all over this comment section doing shit like this. Grow the fuck up, get a hobby and go bother someone else, asshole.

        • You need to chill the fuck out, dude.

        • Then why are you replying? Why do you even need to deflect? I didn't comment for you, I already explained my reason was to add a second take where I felt the first one was half-assed, for others to read.

          My goal isn't to bother you, not even now, meanwhile you yourself keep replying with nothing but vitriol. Why can't you just... Stop? Why did you start in the first place? My comment was perfectly complementary to yours, but you chose to take offence and be rude about it.

          Like I said a bit more harshly already, if you don't have anything to say, why are you talking?

          And why are you mad at me for saying it, when I did have something to say? You keep telling me to grow up and touch grass, but you're the one who can't keep from strawmanning.

          • I check my notifications during my breaks. I also wanted to see how much time you would waste writing back to me in an argument I didn’t want to participate in. I only read the first sentence by the way 😏

            • You've all but admitted you're here out of spite, with no interest in actually showing you have ground to stand on. I'm keeping this going because that makes the only way out for you to let go of this emotional bullshit. To pull yourself together enough to choose to stop when you're acting like an ass.

              • I’m here out of boredom. Spiting you by doing so is just the added benefit. I’ll keep replying until you’re bored of having a conversation with yourself. You certainly aren’t having one with me.

                • It's rare, to see someone admit so openly they are a shit person.

                  To kill time by nonchalantly wasting someone else's, is not a good look.

                  One of us is trying to hold up a mirror for the other. The other just admitted they take pleasure in indulging their worst impulses.

                  • Permanently Deleted

                    • Uno reverse card. Every form of "why are you still here"-argument applies to yourself as well.

                      • At four comment replies were entering the realm of mental illness as this point. Do you need to talk to someone. Are you feeling alright?

                        I’m being genuine. I’m a veteran and I get if you’re going through something right now. You’ve picked me as you’re lighting rod for some odd reason. Despite the shit I’ve flung in your face and the repeated attempts at trying to show how little I wasn’t interested in any form of conversation with you. I’m here to help if you need to talk to someone.

                        I can help you find a counselor or we can just shoot the shit about what your real issue is. It certainly isn’t me or this pointless exercise of insanity you’ve plunged us into. So what’s really bugging you friend?

                    • I have a point to prove, now. That you won't be able to stop this until you learn to let go of spiting someone.

                      Am I obsessive about proving that point? A little. Am I as entertained as you are? For now.

            • Since you admit to an attention span insufficient for more than a sentence, I'll start splitting up what I have to say into bite-size chunks.

            • Get better material, the "lol ur wasting time" argument can literally be defeated with an uno reverse card.

              Again, if you don't have something with logical value to say, shut the fuck up.

            • This isn't a argument, you started shit-slinging, not realizing I'm just as good at that as I am rational discussion.

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