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The House has passed a resolution standing with Israel in the aftermath of attacks by Hamas The House has passed a resolution standing with Israel in the aftermath of attacks by Hamas

It marks the first action by the chamber under the leadership of Speaker Mike Johnson.

The House has passed a resolution standing with Israel in the aftermath of attacks by Hamas

Nine progressive Democrats voted nay:

  • Jamaal Bowman
  • Andre Carson
  • Cori Bush
  • Al Green
  • Summer Lee
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Delia Ramirez
  • Rashida Talib

They were joined by one Republican, Thomas Massie.

Six Democrats voted present on the resolution: Greg Casar, Joaquin Castro, Nydia Velázquez, Ayanna Pressley, Chuy Garcia and Pramila Jayapal.


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  • A settler colony founded on ethnic cleansing has no right to exist

    • Sure, that explains why United Nation overwhelmingly voted for formation of the state of Israel.

      • I didn't know truth was a popularity contest

        • We are talking about the right of Israel to exist. And in international law voting in UN and acceptance by countries is how things are done.

          • Why does an invading military have a right to exist or defend itself? By your logic Russia has a right to defend itself form the Ukrainians

            Palestine statehood is recognized by many countries but denied by the Israeli occupation and blockade

            • If Hamas was shooting ONLY to the military that enters their state, we would have different conversation.

              • Hamas targets militants and armored vehicles while Israelis target children. You can look at the casualties and see for yourself

                • You have it confused in your head. Hamas is recognized terrorist organization, it launches hundreds, no, thousands rockets per week into Israel in order to kill specifically civilians. It entered Israel recently in order to specifically kill civilians. All Israel does is trying to destroy Hamas, but Hamas is using human shields. Hence the casualties (although, in any war there would be civilian casualties as collateral damage, due to the use of human shield by Hamas, they are especially large in Palestine). Stop being intellectually dishonest with phrases like "Israelis target children", you do not do yourself or anyone else any favor by this.

                  • No, you got it all backwards. Palestinians have a right to resist a military occupation on their land that denies them their basic rights as human beings. Hamas did not go to Europe to kill Israelis, they broke through the blockade.

                    thousands rockets per week into Israel in order to kill specifically civilians.

                    they are shooting missiles at the towns they were expelled from in 1948 and 1967.


                    Israelis target children

                    How did they kill more than 4000 in less than a month? More than what Russia killed in 18 months in Ukraine. What you miss is that Israel and Israelis are racist as fuck and dehumanize Arabs.

                    The following videos will inform you on the context you are missing.

                    Israeli students talk about killing Arabs and enslaving them

                    Israeli school principal explains Israeli racism

                    Old veterans laughing as they recall the Tantura massacre in 1948

                    Israeli soldier celebrating sniping a Palestinian kid in the head

                    civilian casualties as collateral damage, due to the use of human shield by Hamas

                    This is a lie. But even if true, you are implying human shields even if women and children are a fair target.


                    But if Palestinians are human shields then why not Israeli settlers? Over half of who died on Oct 7 were active Israeli military, and many of the civilians died in the crossfire by Israeli bullets.

                    • How did they kill more than 4000 in less than a month?

                      Let me repeat - human shields. The blame is on Hamas. If Israel wanted to target and kill civilians it would have done in in a day. Hell, in half an hour.

                      they are shooting missiles at the towns they were expelled from in 1948 and 1967.

                      And jews where expelled from nearly all Arab states, (and from Europe by Nazis). So, it gives them right to target and bomb all civilians in all Arab states??

                      And it looks like you are okay with targeting civilians, as long as Hamas it is doing. And blaming Israel for targeting Hamas that uses human shields? The hypocrisy is astonishing. It is not even hypocrisy. The hypocrisy would have been if Israel actually were to target civilians (which it does not) and you where not okay with it while okay with what Hamas did the same. That would be hypocrisy. But since Israel not even targeting civilians, your position does not even have a word in a dictionary. (well, maybe antisemitism, but I will give you a benefit of a doubt and not going to call you that).

                      Palestinians have a right to resist a military occupation on their land.

                      Gaza was not occupied. And what Hamas did, shows that maybe they were wrong in leaving Gaza completely.

                      Look, I sympathize Palestinians, and I think that there should be two state solution at the end. But it just can not happen when there is Hamas in power whose declared goal is distraction of the neighbouring state and who is purposely targets and kills civilians. The tragedy of all that is that simple Palestinians become hostages of Hamas and dying as result of it.

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