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My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • I used to use macOS and macOS used to have a true root user that you can enable. Sometimes after 2016 I think root was neutered and you can no longer do whatever you want. I don't like using macOS anymore.

  • Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment
  • Maybe world leaders will finally be pushed towards diplomacy. As far as I see it, the region needs deterrence against foreign aggression. Just look at what Russia did to Ukraine after it gave up its nukes, or what the US did to Iraq and Libya. I don't want that to happen to any other country in the region. Iran, Saudi Arabia and others all have a right to nuclear weapons. Israel already introduced them to the region and they are as fanatical and genocidal as any country can be.

  • Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment
  • The only country that ever used them is the US. The only countries that its elected politicians regularly threaten to use them are the US and Israel.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • Do you think Virtua Fighter means the fighters aren't real?

  • Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment
  • Opening the floodgates will be good news for the region though. If Iraq or Libya had nukes they wouldn't have been bombed and invaded. I don't want to see Iran bombed or invaded. I am from Saudi Arabia, it is in my best interest for Iran to be strong and stable, rival or not, Iran having nukes does that. Of course I also think that Saudi Arabia should have nukes too.

  • My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • I can't even remove the "Recommended" section from the Start menu

  • Iran set to dramatically increase uranium enrichment
  • Best of luck to our neighbours across the Arabian Gulf. Iran has the right to defend iself.

  • Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • I wonder if this will make chime question their faith

    Why would they question their faith? The Quran clearly states go to pilgrimage only if you can. Perhaps they felt compelled to go, but surely they knew they didn't have to.

    People who are religious are generally not afraid to die. There are endless risks associated with pilgrimage beyond just a heat stroke.

  • Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • I don't know. I guess they could be buried in Makkah or Medinah.

  • Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • I would argue that Muslims are, by default, required by their religion to make the hajj.

    No it does not. The verse is quite clear: {وَلِلَّهِ عَلَى النَّاسِ حِجُّ الْبَيْتِ مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا} {And for God is the duty of the people to perform the Hajj to the House, whoever is able to make a way to it} emphasis mine. If someone knows they can't: sick, poor, etc... the verse says basically don't go.

    While I wouldn’t call myself an Islamic scholar, I would say I do know a bit about it.

    Do you know that in certain cases Hajj is haram? Possibly risking your life is one reason why many have prohibited it.

    Not the worst outcome for whom? People are dead. I’ll bet there’s at least one child, sibling, or parent who isn’t terribly comforted by the idea that their loved one is a martyr.

    For the faithful it is not. I don't know what to say more than this. They could have not performed hajj but they chose to oblige themselves.

  • Someone escaped the Matrix
  • I daydream about it. Sometimes* I curse the discovery of oil. Instead of herding goats I am debugging C++ template errors. Though I do love airconditioning.

    * a lie, I never do :) though I do think about goat herding.

  • Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • It is more impressive that Saudi Arabia can manage to host 1.83 million in a week. Though perhaps it is now time to install more shades and outdoor cooling.

  • Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • This is like blaming grape farmers for drunk drivers.

    How is it our fault? We thought you will make jelly and fertilizers from it, instead you burn it to move your cyclist-crushing F-150s.

  • Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • So is Canada. How's your forest fires?

  • Death toll tops 1,000 after Haj marked by extreme heat
  • their religion literally mandates that they make a pilgrimage there

    No it doesn't. Pilgrimage is one of those obligations that most people are exempt from unless they can. Perhaps they thought they were more physically fit than they really are. Someone who is sick, poor, or unable for whatever reason, is exempt.

    My heart sincerely goes out to the families, this is tragic.

    People who die during pilgrimage are considered martyrs, so it is not the worst outcome. There has always been a risk associated with pilgrimage. Right now it is as easy and comfortable as it ever been.

    I wish people commenting here knew a bit about Islam before doing so.

  • Chinese Carmakers Call for 25% Tax on Large European Cars
  • I agree. Cars should be taxed by weight. The heavier the vehicle the more wear and tear it causes to the infrastructure, and also the deadlier it is in a collusion.

  • Chinese Carmakers Call for 25% Tax on Large European Cars
  • I will definitely never buy anything from Stellantis ever again.

  • Chinese Carmakers Call for 25% Tax on Large European Cars
  • I am so glad I live in a country with a free economy. If I want to buy a VW I can, if I want to buy a GMC I can, if I want to buy a Suzuki I can, if I want to buy a BYD I can. Sometimes even cheaper than in their home country.

  • Blinken reportedly promised Netanyahu to lift restrictions on US arms shipments Blinken reportedly promised Netanyahu to lift restrictions on US arms shipments

    Unsourced reports say PM demanded weapons deliveries return to levels from start of Gaza war; UK government data shows arms exports to Israel plunged since October 7

    Blinken reportedly promised Netanyahu to lift restrictions on US arms shipments
    China-Arab Ties: Heads of Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia, the UAE to attend cooperation forum in Beijing during state visits to China China-Arab Ties: Heads of Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia, the UAE to attend cooperation forum in Beijing during state visits to China

    Leaders of Arab countries are paying state visits to China this week. They will attend the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum during their visit. The meeting has helped improve bilateral ties over the past two decades. Zhou Jiaxin reports from Beijing. 

    China-Arab Ties: Heads of Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia, the UAE to attend cooperation forum in Beijing during state visits to China
    China reaps geopolitical dividend in Middle East exports - Asia Times China reaps geopolitical dividend in Middle East exports - Asia Times

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    “الموقف رعب يا عفو الله”
    PanArab تحريرها كلها ممكن

    “If there were an Oscar for best theatrical performance by a country, Israel would win every year. It's a country based on theater. It's a lunatic state - completely insane”.

    Norman Finkelstein

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