apple users in a nutshell
apple users in a nutshell
apple users in a nutshell
What if I told you that they cost the same amount, but windows users are subsidized via in-OS advertising.
I mean, decades ago, I would agree with this meme but these days… windows needs to be put down.
I've never seen a single ad in windows. I keep hearing they are coming... But so far it's just a few predatory practices failing to convince me to use their stupid browser.
Same,this starts to look like paranoia imo.
I think it's just Linux people trying to poison the well. I'm not even mad, haha.
But like, I'm not joining the lie, either. Some day it could happen, though, and on that day sign me up for a pitchfork.
If you’ve managed to disable all ads on windows please share your setup and how you’ve managed that.
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about... what ads are you seeing? Where are they?
The only "ads" I see for windows come after updates in the form of "Would you like to use our "new" "EDGE" Browser?!" To which the options are "YES I WOULD FUCK YEAH" (size 40 font) and "no thanks" (size 8 font). I hate that, but it's only happened once or twice so far.
Go into settings and look for all the tracking and ad personalisaton features. now go find a similar option in OSX or Linux, you won’t find one. This is because windows is subsidized by ads. similar to NetZero but you still have to pay for it. You can continue to disable these features but my point is I don’t even want the option to view more ads from a product I already bought.
What about the ads in the start menu? For candy crush or tiktok
I've never seen these before... can you share a screenshot? That sounds fucking awful!
Which they've only been doing for... checks watch...30 years.
What’s your secret? One quick way to see ads is to click on the weather in the bottom right corner. I have done all of these things but, like the commenters in that link have mentioned, none of them work.
You can just right click on the task bar and turn that feature off... I've done it in close to 1000 Windows machines at this point.
Windows updates bring it back. I’ve done it again for now. But as you have comfirmed, there are ads in windows 10.
If you open up the app store, there are ads... Pretty sure Apple has some integrated "news and interests" equivalent feature that also serves ads.
Also, my windows update has not turned the news and interests back on. Maybe you're doing something wrong?
I an running windows inside linux. i am absolutely doing something wrong, but that’s besides the point. OS ads hit differently than in-app ads. Also when I remove or disable a feature, it should stay dead, unlike the search bar that gets resurrected at next windows update.
Is that Windows OS persistent and you apply updates to it, or are you creating a new updated image every time an update comes out? Not sure how you are managing your windows OS on Linux, but if you loading a fresh OS each time, then it would make sense that the default options would get reset each time.
Have you ever opened the start menu? There are ads there. Unless you’re using some release like LTSC or have a network-level Adblock there are ads in there. For TikTok, candy crush, Disney+, etc. it’s like the preinstalled bloat on some androids, they’re just ads you have to annoyingly remove from your start menu.
I just did and I have no idea what you're talking about. All I see are my pinned apps and recently used files.
I’m sure you have the options disabled that show this kind of stuff but it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Anyone who is not tech savvy (99% of the population) will have no clue how to turn this stuff off or that it’s even an option.
I guarantee any PC sold by any big box store or on Amazon will come with this stuff enabled by default.
haha WHOA, that SUCKS.
I've never had that, though... not on my Windows machines (plural). Did you buy your machine from a manufacturer like HP? It just feels like something HP would do... never buy HP anything, everyone (even if this specific event isn't their fault).
Edit: This isn't your image... it's from Reddit and it's from SIX years ago.
The setting is still on my Windows 10 PC. It’s still relevant since they’re still shipping it with Windows.
That sounds horrible... I've never seen these, though. I don't use anything special so far as I know. I'm on Windows 10 on one computer I run all day, and Windows 11 for the one I use all evening.
Assuming you're not making this up, could Microsoft be rolling these out only to specific individuals for a trial run, or something? I don't even have Windows Pro...
Or... actually... I built my computers from the ground up. Did you buy yours from HP, Dell, or another manufacturer? Could THEY be putting ads into their updates somehow?
The difference is Windows users can install Linux or disable advertising
Mac users can also install windows or linux.
You really cannot disable windows advertising. each windows update brings more ads, more tracking and less options for controlling them. There are tools to disable ads, like windows AME but those disable windows updates, which you’re going to want to have for security updates.
If you know of a better way to disable advertising I am all ears. I run windows, mac and linux daily and really wish I didn’t have to use windows, or could at least use it closer to how I use linux. I’ve heard that even group policies are not respected. I can’t imagine how much time and money has been lost using windows in a corporate environment just due to ads as distractions.