What are Lemmy's unwritten rules?
What are Lemmy's unwritten rules?
I’ll start. Non serious answers also welcome
- Linux (Linux)
- FOSS or die
- Video content should have been text
- Not caring a LOT about privacy makes you a non-lemmy normie
What are Lemmy's unwritten rules?
I’ll start. Non serious answers also welcome
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If you are an arch user, like myself, you must announce it at every opportunity.
Also, mandatory GNOME hate.
Mandatory Ubuntu hate as well.
I use Ubuntu btw.
I failed a gentoo stage 2 install 20 years ago.
The end boss is swallowing your pride and installing Debian.
Not sure. I didn't make it far.
Installing from a stage 1 tarball back in 2002
I feel its almost like you all shoukld just stop presenting your OS bona fides unless its 1) solicited explicitly + 2) its explicitly relevant to the conversation even if 1) is not fulfilled
But how will people know I use arch btw?
I fucking love this, thank you comical stranger