I'm not as far north as you, but we're also having a super mild stint. Normally have a couple feet of snow right now but it's rained for 3 days. Last December we had the same thing. Year before that we had about 2-3 feet of snow and highs of -10°C.
It's gotten to the point where I can't even rely on weather reporting to give me current weather. One day a couple weeks ago it's -20 but the Weather Network said it was 0... That was rude. I'm thinking of setting up my own weather station.
I live close to the Arctic Circle as well and it's +2 currently. Two weeks ago it snowed like a meter in 2 days. I've seen enough snow for this winter.
But it explains, doesn't it? Retired guys: always doing yard work, and fussing with their properties. I swear I just see them walking around with various tools all the time.