Stop he's already dead
Stop he's already dead
(No, just keep on. These kinds of regulations were long overdue)
Stop he's already dead
(No, just keep on. These kinds of regulations were long overdue)
Reminder: Steve Jobs was a non-engineer, non-designer Marketing guy who was famously against charity and refused to pay child support despite being mega rich.
He didn't create the I-anything. He took what talented people did and made himself the face of it. He was a bad dude, a model capitalist, and the world is better for his preventable, self-inflicted early demise. Thanks for being into alternative "medicine" at least, Steve.
Elon Musk is a wannabe Steve Jobs, it all makes sense.
He went to Switzerland to try the proton therapy to cure cancer. When you know how expensive it's, he could help a lot of people.
He went to Switzerland to try the proton therapy to cure cancer. When you know how expensive it's, he could help a lot of people.
You sound like if Steve Jobs fucked your mom and never called her back X'D
If I slap you there's a non-zero chance Steve Job's cock falls out of your mouth.
I'm actually not an admirer of mr. Jobs either, should have clarified that.
I just found amusing such amount of anger, like something personal is involved
No, I just don't like when the do nothing capitalists, living or dead, take credit for the work and technical achievements of people that actually provide something of worth to humanity. People should think of rooms of engineers toiling and exhausted factory workers when they think about how their iphone was made, not Donald Trump in a turtleneck and jeans blustering about the magic phone he made.
I mean, it's pretty damn low though.