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"If you tell a lie big enough and tell it frequently enough, people will eventually come to believe it". What is an example of this happening today?

I would really rather that these were actual examples, and not conspiracy theories. We all have our own unsubstantiated ideas about what shadowy no-gooders are doing, but I'd rather hear about things that are actually happening.


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  • Hitler’s party was elected in, much like the UK prime minister is not actually elected. Hitler still had to win a seat in the Reichstag, so…

    The UK prime Minister is also appointed lol.

    Putin is a dictator. No one is allowed to stand against him. In the current election the 29 candidates who have tried to stand have had that right taken away from them for one reason or another. Putin has the final say on what goes on in Russia. Putin and Xi may have the illusion of being recalled, but it will not happen. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either spouting propaganda or one very gullible individual.

    Notice how you didn't include any evidence of Xi being a dictator

    I can easily believe that the GOP are creating problem for the LBGQT community, but they are soon to be ousted from any power they posses. Many of the gerrymandering that has gone on has been reversed or will be in time for the next elections. In NY state alone this will be enough to overturn the lead the GOP has on blocking legislation.


    As for the “at will employment” law China has exactly the same thing.

    From your own link

    Employees can only be dismissed if one of the statutory reasons for termination is fulfilled. This means that an employer cannot dismiss an employee at will.

    Proving incompetence is a higher bar than at will employment actually

    The USA has National anti discrimination laws, China has no discriminatory laws, but also has nothing to protect an individual.

    They materially don't.

    So your idea that China is a better place to be doesn’t really hold water in my opinion.

    China isnt involved in carrying out a genocide rn, and China hasn't destabilized the middle east through mass violence. China is better.

    • Notice how you didn’t include any evidence of Xi being a dictator

      Aside from the fact that no one is allowed to run for elections unless they have party approval. China doesn't even try to hide that there is no real democracy there.

      Proving incompetence is a higher bar than at will employment actually


      They materially don’t.

      Again subjective.

      China isnt involved in carrying out a genocide rn, and China hasn’t destabilized the middle east through mass violence. China is better.

      Come on. Uighurs must surely count as human beings. That is just plain wrong man.

      • Aside from the fact that no one is allowed to run for elections unless they have party approval. China doesn’t even try to hide that there is no real democracy there.

        1. They literally have 9 parties
        2. if one political party had 95 percent approval rating(based on western polling, the cpc does) it is reasonable that there is one major party and 8 minor parties

        Come on. Uighurs must surely count as human beings. That is just plain wrong man.

        That propaganda:

        A) is being spread by adrien zenz, a nazi paid by a cia front group to spread shit, who claims God gave him a personal mission to destroy china

        B) is old news that was abandoned when the area opened up for tourism again, and there were magically no camps

        C) isn't believed by basically every Muslim country on earth who sent delegations to see what was going on, meanwhile the US which cares so much about Muslims it is enabling genocide against muslims as we speak thought it is happening before they walked it back. Give me a break.

        • They literally have 9 parties

          Does dissuade from the fact that only Communist-party backed candidates can appear in the election. This was the reason there were so many rioters in HK. And hence, why so many were imprisoned or ran from the country for asylum elsewhere.

          That propaganda:

          Propaganda is a made up narrative to persuade an objective viewpoint. What is happening with Uighurs has a lot of factual video evidence, including first hand reports from those who fled to Türkiye. If it is so untrue why won't China allow visiting diplomats talk about it?

          is old news that was abandoned when the area opened up for tourism again, and there were magically no camps

          Unbelievably crass opinion.

          Talking to locals about the camps was impossible. “You can’t really talk to them, because then you’re putting them in danger,” Wack says. “If you mention anything political, they cut the conversation short.” Because he couldn’t visit the camps themselves, he was forced to suggest their presence by documenting how the region has changed. For decades, the Communist Party has been trying to eliminate markers of Uyghur identity and remake Xinjiang so that it appears more “Chinese.” As part of the Belt and Road Initiative, the government has been building major infrastructure projects like high-speed trains and superhighways through the remote province. It has also encouraged Han Chinese, the country’s dominant ethnic group, to move to the area in order to dilute the percentage of Uyghurs living there.

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