Google Messages Custom Bubble colors only for RCS
Google Messages Custom Bubble colors only for RCS

Google Messages Custom Bubble colors limited to RCS

Google Messages Custom Bubble colors only for RCS
Google Messages Custom Bubble colors limited to RCS
People genuinely care about message colors? That's so far beyond my level of understanding, I don't even pretend anymore.
I have no evidence of this theory but I suspect that it is partly a result of careful manipulation.
Many buttons/menus in iOS utilize the blue color for text or backgrounds that also is used when you message another iOS device. The result is that it feels congruent and natural within the color scheme of the operating system - if you are messaging an Apple device.
The green color used for messages to non Apple devices is somewhat jarring in comparison and subtly (or subconsciously) gives you the impression that something is not right. Additionally the green that was chosen provides less contrast to the white text (relative to the darker blue & white). So reading the green bubbles is just a little more effort. These effects combine to a general sense of unpleasantness.
I believe all of this is deliberate on Apple’s part and isn’t as simple as someone “caring” about colors but rather the situation being engineered to make them care.
Oh that's actually a very sensible theory, I can totally get behind that. On android I've themed my phone to a pretty much black & white style, so if anything in another color shows up, I'll first assume it's a warning of some sort.
I was hoping to be able to change colors for my group chats to set them apart. So this is going to be SOOOOO helpful for the two people in my contact list that are RCS.
I use QKSMS+ as my message app and can change colors for every contact. I have a group chat with my wife (phone and Google voice tablet) and daughter and they all are different colors.
Yeah I did the same thing with textra. RCS is tying me to Google messages,but sometimes I don't know why I bother. Only 2 people I text with use it and googles app ain't the greatest.
Googles tablet app barely tips the scales at the moment as the free one I tried (Join) was kind of inconsistent and the paid ones are too much. But man, googles tablet app is ass too.
Sadly yes, my fiance gets so much shit from her dumbass coworkers who all have iPhones for "ruining their group chats".