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does anyone know why all my Google search results are dated something xxxx BE, like 2567 BE or the like?
  • You must have switched the timezones to Thailand or India somehow.

  • NSFW
    It’s not impossible for someone to have heard about assguard, looked it up, and then realized it’s “Asgard”.
  • The most popular VPN in China is called Astrill, and since vpn's and related discussions are forbidden, we refer to it as Ass Drill in messengers.

  • Hong Kong Government seeks to remove protest anthem from the entire internet
  • That's not a universal truth, there are a bunch of neo-nazi anthems and xenophobic songs banned in several countries, and for good reason.

  • Are Apple Airpods capable of producing 165 decibels of sound?
  • According to a test conducted by the source below, they max out at 108.3 db, so I guess the claimants are full of shit.

  • I found this old girl on the side of the road, her name is Sunny!
  • I live in a gated community where everybody is a dog owner, they all roam free most of the time. It's pretty awesome. We also have a whatsapp group with all neighbours, so when we want to know where they are, all it takes is a quick message into the group and the current food dispenser of choice will let us know.

    The best thing about that is that we can also just travel for a week or two without bothering. Our dog prefers to sleep in our house, so the next door neighbor will open the door at night & then let her do her thing the next morning.

  • Featured
    It's Wednesday, how is your week going?
  • Could be worse. Had to do a last minute business trip to Hong Kong, business is finished, but my flight won't be until Friday afternoon. So I'm enjoying my mini vacation.

  • Do you use Firefox Sync? Why or why not?
  • Yes, I trust the encryption layer and the Mozilla Foundation has good ethical principles. I'm also a big fan of Firefox Relay (email alias provider) to protect my inbox from spam.

  • Photovoltaik statt Gemüseacker – darum ist ein Bauer so sauer
  • Stimme deiner Einschätzung vollständig zu. Erst will jeder eine Energiewende, aber dann will keiner die Konsequenzen haben. Ist mal wieder typisch.

  • What's your favourite era for video games?
  • I've recently replayed Thief and Thief 2, they still hold up well!

    Tried Gothic II, and unfortunately the controls feel very clunky today. Or maybe it's just me. But somehow third person view doesn't really work for me anymore.

  • What's your favourite era for video games?
  • For Thief and Gothic II there are unofficial graphic mods out there that improve things massively. They basically replace the original models with those from Thief II and Gothic 3, and also fix some bugs. - that's a user made campaign for Thief, the thread also has links to all the patches and updates. The campaign is also absolutely great with overwhelmingly massive maps, but you should play the original first.

  • What's your favourite era for video games?
  • Around the turn of the millennium. Games were designed for offline use and had way more immersive campaigns, were shipped by and large ready and bug-free, and so were add-on campaigns.

    And since graphics were not as refined as they are now, additional efforts were placed on gameplay.

    My top list (by release year):

    • Diablo II (1996)
    • Dungeon Keeper (1997)
    • Half-Life (1998)
    • Thief: The Dark Project (1998)
    • Thief 2 (1999)
    • Dungeon Keeper 2 (1999)
    • Heroes of Might & Magic 3 (1999)
    • Gothic II (2002)

    Never had a console and don't get along with controllers whatsoever, so those are all referring to the PC versions.

  • Ist bei euch in der Umgebung was geboten oder ist es nur meine Umgebung?
  • Ich kenne das Phänomen durchaus, hab mal etwas ländlicher gewohnt, und da gab es so ziemlich exakt das selbe Programm wie bei dir.

    Bin dann zunächst ins Ruhrgebiet gezogen wo man mir einen Job angeboten hat (Essen ist weit besser als sein Ruf!), dann von dort nach Berlin und schließlich ins Ausland.

    Tatsächlich hat mir das Ruhrgebiet besser gefallen als Berlin, dort ist jeder stationär und macht nur was in seinem eigenen Kiez. Im Ruhrgebiet gibt's einen viel höheren Drang zur Mobilität. Heute geht man mal in Essen aus, morgen in Bochum, am Wochenende Düsseldorf, etc.

    Gibt immer irgendwo Konzerte, Sportevents, abwechslungsreiches Essen, beste Natur und Radwege drumrum.

    Ansonsten bin ich auch ein großer Fan von Saarbrücken - mein erster Schritt ins “Ausland“ war nach Luxemburg, und dort hab ich mit einigen Saarländern zusammengearbeitet. Hab nie dort gelebt, aber war oft dort und es hat mir ausgezeichnet gefallen. Viel Kultur, viel Musik, viel Abwechslung, herzliche Menschen. Allerdings schon recht Weinlastig, die Gegend.

  • Should I keep paying for Proton?
  • Why not use Firefox Relay? It's a mail forwarding service with 5 aliases in the free version, and unlimited in paid. I'm using that in combination with my gmail account and it works beautifully.

    If you only occasionally need a vpn, the free tier in proton is probably sufficient (but you can't select servers, they will be assigned at random), and you could use windscribe as a backup (you can select servers in the free tier yourself, but traffic is limited to 10GB per 30 days).

  • Produktion von Fleischersatz 2023 um 16,6 Prozent gestiegen
  • Der Artikel spricht davon, dass "Die Deutschen (...) immer häufiger zu Fleischersatzprodukten [greifen]", sagt dann aber, dass "16,6 Prozent mehr Fleischersatzprodukte produziert [wurden] als im Vorjahr", wobei der Fleischkonsum im Beobachtungszeitraum gerade einmal von 52kg auf 51,6kg pro Person/Jahr zurückging, was knapp 7,7% entspricht.

    Für den tatsächlichen Mehrabsatz werden keine Zahlen angeführt. Für mich liest sich das entsprechend wie ein Konsumrückgang, was völlig von der Mehrproduktion entkoppelt sein kann, bestenfalls aber einen moderaten Absatzanstieg bedeutet. Gleichzeitig wird aber dann ein wohl unverkäuflicher Überschuss produziert, der dann entsprechend in der Tonne landet.

  • Drew Barrymore Reveals She Accidentally Left Her "Sex List" at Danny DeVito's House
  • I read the auto-summary, which didn't mention it. Guess the bot isn't perfect.

    I try not to visit websites that have 100+ trackers installed. Naturally I block them, but I don't even want to give them the traffic.

  • How many communities do you have blocked?
  • Yeah I'd love that as well. Have blocked around 100 from those combined, plus a few from .ml (though they have a fair share of folks that behave).

  • How many communities do you have blocked?
  • Would have to be fairly frequently updated and constantly monitored.

  • How many communities do you have blocked?
  • I've blocked 10 or so instances and over 500 individual communities. Mostly by browsing /new and just killing anything I don't have the slightest interest in.

    The instances I've blocked are leftist, furry, porn and anime related, plus one that's hosting sports communities exclusively.

  • DNS traffic can leak outside the VPN tunnel on Android
  • They didn't bring it to light, it was a user report posted on reddit. They merely investigated it further. Nothing against mullvad, it's a great vpn, but credit where credit is due.

  • [Solved] Whatsapp web broken after 124.0.1 update?

    Hi all,

    Just updated FF to 124.0.1 and now the whatsapp web view is broken. The text input field is somewhere in the upper third of the screen and in the background, overlayed by text boxes so that I can't actually select it. It's automatically selected when switching from one chat to another so I can type there, but only blind in most cases since any comment boxes overlap it.

    Tried restarting, clearing cookies, re-authenticating, disabling all plugins, nothing worked.

    Does anyone experience something similar and/or know a workaround?


    Edit: Fixed by logging out of whatsapp web, clearing cookies, restarting the browser, and then logging back in. Neither of the steps had worked on its own previously, but the combination did the trick.

    Childfree Chatter

    Hi all,

    As our community is still small and not overly active, I thought instead of trying to have a weekly or monthly chatter thread up as a sticky, we could try a perpetual one and see what happens.

    So anything you feel doesn't warrant a post of its own, just put it here.

    Cheers and take care!

    cybersecurity viking
    Current account recovery best practices?

    Hi all,

    Need to pick your brains for a bit regarding best practices for handling of account recovery issues while traveling.

    Premise would be that my phone gets lost or stolen, and I may not have easy access to my laptop either, and being in a foreign country I couldn't easily get a copy of the original SIM to restore via OTP.

    Consequently, I also don't really love the idea of using some password manager with a master password and no F2A.

    Under those circumstances, what would you consider the best way forward to ensure accessibility without crippling myself in the process?

    The only thing I can come up with is a random subdomain on one of my domains, with random username and random password, where I store an encrypted container containing txt-files. Maybe even further obscured with a random cypher (all numbers / letters shifted x positions to the right or something).

    But there's gotta be other use-cases out there, so I was wondering what you are using?

    Ideally something that doesn't involve another person.


    Outlook filters for >x people in CC possible?

    Hi all,

    I've got a bit of a spam issue that isn't solved by either keyword or actual spam filter. The problem is that I'm in China and mass email marketing here is acceptable for some reason, so local spam filters don't catch the perps, and international ones are useless based on the language.

    And since I'm in a customer/supplier facing role, quite a few genuine mails use the same keywords as the spammers, so that doesn't work to fix my problem.

    However, the mails are usually sent to hundreds of people at once, all with their mail addresses in plain view in CC.

    So I'd just like to set up a filter to send mails with >100 recipients or something like that straight to trash, but can't seem to find it in the outlook rule settings.

    Does anyone know of a useful workaround?


    Looks like Facebook is following youtube with anti-adblock measures.

    I don't really use facebook anymore so couldn't care less; but so happened to log in today to change my password and saw this on my front page.

    viking viking
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