Apparently they've been accused of submitting small patches that individually don't contain much useful code in order to inflate their contribution figures and other stuff like submitting low quality code? According to the thread on /r/Linux. I feel like I'm not getting the full story here, or even if this was a Huawei corporate decision or just a bunch of Huawei workers doing this individually. From the other non-explanation comments, I do get the suspicion that /r/Linux is pretty biased against Huawei though. I don't really keep up with the politics of the Linux kernel so I'm not familiar with the Huawei situation, anyone know more about this?
On giving it another thought, I have another perspective, which might not be too conspiratorial to consider: gatekeeping open source community from China by Western proponents to discourage their participation.
Steve Bannon as former US SoS did state the creation of a China-free clean internet. And Biden is continuing Trump's policies against China.
Intel leads with KPI count, and yet, not one of these souls calls out Intel, but Huawei being a Chinese company, and a very young one, and also a Platinum Member of the Linux Foundation, gets scrutinised. To me, it sounds like the analogy I always provide wrt China - the one kid bullied by everyone in the class to force them to take up whatever role the common narrative wants.
This is about work culture at Huawei, not China per se. China is not Huawei and Steve Bannon certainly doesn't have any power over the contributors mentioned in that thread. Stop these unfounded conspiracy theories and start providing proof.
Are you so ignorant of the hegemonic war between USA and China, that you purposely ignore the vile statements of Steve Bannon, Michael Pompeo, and such people who re-planted the Sinophobic seed in the heads of Americans during Trump's 4 year tenure?
Huawei has as much relation with China, as much as Apple has with USA. Using terms like "work culture" is not making you look smart, so be careful.
If you are also ignorant of Sinophobics or anti-Asians/Africans/LGBT/socialists in the tech space among Westerners, go browse 4Chan, nanochan and other underground boards for a week. You will change your opinion quickly.
Are you so ignorant of the hegemonic war between USA and China, that you purposely ignore the vile statements […]
No, I also don't like the stupid "trade war" politics and policies the US of A have imposed upon China. I don't like the propaganda machine the US has going on. OTOH, you assume Qu Wenruo is brainwashed by Steve Bannon. You don't even realise how ridiculous that sounds. If I was Wenruo reading your post, I'd ask you if you're an idiot thinking that. This is about patches to the Linux Kernel, which you seem to know nothing about. I just realised your username and sighed because I wasted my time again.
Speaking on behalf of others metaphorically is such a pitiful stance. Go take a look at the comments today on reddit r/linux on the new RISC-V Xiangshan CPU news. 60-70% of the comments will tell you something. And it seems to be in line with the attitude towards Huawei for some random reason.
Go take a look at the comments today on reddit r/linux on the new RISC-V Xiangshan CPU news. 60-70% of the comments will tell you something. And it seems to be in line with the attitude towards Huawei for some random reason.
The LKML is not reddit and Wenruo is a long time Kernel contributor. Whataboutism gets you nowhere.
Whataboutism claims are a dog whistle of the pseudo intellectual. You may use that baseless epithet as much as you want, have a good day. I am going to sleep.