Student: "Hey, a shortcut! Let me first just walk around the long way so I can measure the length of the other two sides, multiply those lengths by themselves, add them together, and find out how much extra walking I've saved myself by taking the shortcut. Boy, this shortcut sure is saving me a lot of effort. Hooray Pythagoras!"
You literally do it subconsciously all the time. Written math is just a representation of it, just like language is also a representation of your thoughts.
It's no wonder you all are still flipping burgers at McDonald's and bitching about not having a living wage. It's because you never try to use anything you learned in school to do anything.
I don't know who hurt this guy, but it sounds like we're only a couple more low-effort math jokes away from hearing a rant about the Jews, and how the woke mindvirus is destroying America.
And he's bribing or friends with the mods, too. My comments just got deleted and my other account banned because I called him out on his racism and anti-intellectualism. 🤔
They're pushing anti-intellectualist propaganda here. And defending bigots.
It's high time for me to speak out openly against this crap.