cost of living 86 years ago
cost of living 86 years ago
cost of living 86 years ago
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As pissed as I am about the current state of afairs, violent revolutions tend to turn into a total shit show real quick.
Revolutions are a response to material conditions. Typically it was already a shit show, then the revolution happens and it gets even shitter very briefly, before working itself out over time.
Usually over pretty long time. Hard to tell if nothing except for revolution would work (and it's different in each case, I guess)
It would be kinda funny if, in like two hundred years, historians refered to this time period as "The Total Shit Show."
It would be good if there we historians at that time. I'm turning a bit pessimistic as of lately 😞
Oh I'm sure there will be... Rome didn't fall in a day.
how long did it take for most of everything on earth to die after the climate got messed up? which has happened more than once and is dixon’ to again…
Rome never had a climate apocalypse
They had at least one small one. Rome was around for a while.
Most wellbeing metrics are better than almost any other time in history, including lifespan and hunger. For history, we’re living in a golden age. It’s just a bit rough for us younger people because I believe we’re doing worse than our parents, and we are the first generation to experience that.
Unlike the current state of affairs?