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YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • then i won’t be using it much, if at all.

  • Regarding sleep quality, why did humans evolve to require full darkness?
  • i found i did indeed need to have hands out because i can’t see much at all in deep country at night on a new moon. maybe i just don’t have great night vision.

  • Trump falsely claims he never called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up
  • using her own server wasn’t illegal tho.

  • [Meta] Is this just a news community now?
  • because it’s hilarious!

  • Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps
  • hmmm . i’m not sure we will be able to give emotion to something that has no needs, no living body, and doesn’t die. maybe. but it seems to me that emotions are survival tools that develop as beings and their environment develop, in order to keep a species alive. i could be wrong.

  • Instagram Advertises Nonconsensual AI Nude Apps
  • it’s totally smoke and mirrors. i’m amazed that so many people seem to believe it. for a few things, sure. most things? not a chance in hell.

  • ‘They Are Just Pissed Off’: Scott Galloway Warns Young People Are ‘Opting Out of America’ As Older Generations Failed Them
  • basically a return to slavery, ultimately. actual slavery (vs wage slavery). as you say, trying to criminalize being homeless. as i type this, my states is hearing arguments about whether it’s ok to fine and arrest people for sleeping outside even if there is nowhere else they can sleep. in hawaii they banned using plankets and umbrellas while sleeping, regardless of weather. and so on.

  • Shouldn't most religious people in theory be excited to die because then they get to experience the afterlife?
  • this is why buddhism says there is no “self” in an eternal sense. in every moment, we are different than the last. vajrayana even has exercises you can do where yu mentally try to locate the “self.” is it in your forehead? your throat? your arms? and so on (actually doing it was amazing, to me). there is no self to cling to, no self to defend. all things arise from beginningless beginning due to the circumstances for it arising, and they end when the circumstances for them to remain end. (im not as good at explaining philosophies as you are, but did feel to add this.)

  • Shouldn't most religious people in theory be excited to die because then they get to experience the afterlife?
  • buddhism has that too. if people were offing themselves in hopes of somehow reaching enlightenment thru killing, i’ve never heard of it. lol. the buddhist reasoning is that killing in general is bad but killing oneself is the worst of all because the one being that can choose to become enlightened (or at least try) and that you have control over is yourself. “so get crackin’” being the idea there.

  • Shouldn't most religious people in theory be excited to die because then they get to experience the afterlife?
  • you’d think so, wouldn’t you? it’s crossed my mind about a thousand times over the years.

  • Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It’s Losing Thousands of Them.
  • the poorest rely the most on services and on things like clean water. they can’t just jet off to a better area.

  • Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It’s Losing Thousands of Them.
  • and won’t protect the kid once it’s born from getting shot. even with cops right there.

  • Texas Attracted California Techies. Now It’s Losing Thousands of Them.
  • austin is super expensive now, and tech companies have left. it’s hot, humid, and you or your wife might die if her a pregnancy is non viable. or if the power grid goes out. i have family who moved there but i sure wouldn’t.

  • Kristi Noem defends killing her own puppy
  • yes, it’s true, tons of books say it’s ok. my folks raised dogs, i’ve had a number of dogs myself. never crated them. until dogs can be interviewed, im team “lets don’t lock them up for hours all alone.” just because humans write books saying this and that doesn’t make it true. dr spock wrote books saying it was bad to hold babies when they cried. it’s not. science used to be near uninamous that animals and insects didn’t have emotions. then it was “emotions like we do.” now…it’s turning out they do. research isn’t the be-all and end-all.

  • Kristi Noem defends killing her own puppy
  • it’s still early…

  • iquanyin iquanyin

    artist, buddhist, explorer

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