Rowing machine. I use it Monday-Friday before work. Puts me in a good headspace and makes my workday feel less stressful. I’ve lost a bunch of weight also. I like that I can workout hard multiple days in a row without risking injury.
I love my rowing machine. I've tried treadmills and stationary bikes and they've felt like an intolerable grind. But hop on my rowing machine and I don't want to stop. Don't know what it is but it just works for me.
I'm waiting for my rowing machine (birthday present) to be delivered. Should be today. It's the kind you put water in to simulate the experience better. I'm excited!
Awesome! That’s the kind I have as well, although I bought mine used. Hope you enjoy it! I got into a routine of using it in the morning and I’m getting the best exercise I have in years
It’s really easy on the joints. My muscles don’t get excessively sore either. You can vary the intensity to pretty much whatever you want. If you go really hard you’ll be drenched in sweat within 20-30 minutes. Go more casually and it feels more like a brisk walk. I’d just recommend watching some videos to learn the form since it’s not a natural movement and almost no one will instinctively do it right without instruction. Getting into a training program helped me get into a routine as well
Yeah, I've used them before and enjoyed them because of the lack of muscle ache. And it's funny because I usually hate exercise, but I find the rowing experience pleasant.