I know, I know, it's crazy that the random lemmy poster didn't provide a fully mla style essay for you with all of the appropriate links to prove that thinking rocks have mystical powers is fucking stupid and a red flag.
It sounds like an anecdotal experience with a single person has shaped your opinion on millions of people you have yet to encounter into a brutally negative one. Your flags are much redder than you may realize.
Fair. All I know is that if someone believes that giving a person a handful of rocks, after making them cum, will cast some kind of love spell... that person is to be fucking avoided.
Hey, I seriously doubt that even the people defending her (or him, doesn't matter, IDK why it was taken as a sexist meme) would actually go allong with that, but... alas, you're also probably aware of how political correctness has fucked up our humour to oblivion, so 🤷.
I usually do this just to "tease" 😂, as in "don't be so serious, life is not black and white, things can be funny even if you don't agree with what was written in the meme".
We're all guilty of doing that at some point. Does it make it ok if we say all conservatives are shitty? (Most of us will say: They are until proven otherwise)
No. Of course not, why would it be? Why would you even think that? You are entirely missing the point, no one anywhere should be insulted like this. That question isn't even in the ballpark of what I was addressing.
I'm saying this is just another entry of the long standing misogynistic trope of insulting women for spirituality from "just being logical" men.
Stop being reactionary and defensive from people noticing sexism.