What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk?
What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk?
What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk?
Thar just because you solved a particular problem in 10min, all other problems are going to take 10min too.
Relevant XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1425
What's funny about this comic now is the second one has become very attainable in the years since it was released. The concept still applies though. Some things are a lot harder than they seem on the surface.
Somebody spent the money on a research team and five years is why it is very attainable now.
Someone trying to write the code from scratch would still take a research team and years to replicate it from scratch.
Oh yeah, for sure
And here I was thinking of https://xkcd.com/664/