What is this, what is it for, and is it more important than the thing Spock looks into?
What is this, what is it for, and is it more important than the thing Spock looks into?
What is this, what is it for, and is it more important than the thing Spock looks into?
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Sensor bar for the bridge's Wii. The audience only sees the lights because cameras can pick up infrared. Data finds them amusing, and Geordi just filters them out; the rest of the crew can't see them.
How good do you think Kirk is at Wii Sports Bowling?
Do you think he gets practice in the bowling alley?
Shot in the dark answer: probably not very (which frustrates him) so he cheats. Spock is annoyed because he wanted to play tennis.
Scotty in engineering messing with the gravity controls every time Kirk goes for a night of bowling.
How good do you think Kirk is at Wii Sports Bowling?
Probably not very, seeing as he gets a heart attack after walking from one end of the table to the other.
It's begun already!!
Ever use candles for the sensor bar? That's a fun trick.
Lol, can't say I have. But I did eventually learn that the sensor bars are just dumb IR lights that the remotes track rather than something more complex, so I can see how it would work.
This reminds me of Duck Hunt. Basically you’re not shooting anything from the “gun”. Instead, for a brief moment, the screen turns black and the ducks turn into white blocks. The gun will then register if you’re pointing it at a white block or not and register it as a hit. This was specifically attuned to the refresh rates of CRTs, and consequently will not work with newer LED/LCD TVs.
That's correct.
Also, if you just put the light gun right against the TV screen, it'll register a hit no matter where you're pointing 😅
Where were you 36 years ago when I got my Nintendo?
Prob at home cheating at Duck Hunt.
That's reminds me of the EDTracker, a little head tracking solution created for Elite Dangerous, made out of an Arduino and a sensor board that's basically like a Wiimote (the accelerometers and magnometer, not the IR stuff). It was much cheaper than TrackIR or any commercial head tracking solution.
Lol their main domain has been bought by a dodgy prostitute spam site now... you don't want to visit the .org.uk site. But the instructions are still on hobby components forums.
It's a shame there haven't been more ghetto head tracking implementations. It's a damn sight more affordable than VR, and doesn't require loads of space to use.
Ah, so the Wii spawned the 3DS.