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Any recommendations for open source android photo editor?
  • Yeah, OPNord has 15 support now, but just haven't gotten around to it.

  • Any recommendations for open source android photo editor?
  • NP.

    Just FYI: The Fossify suite of applications are open source / maintained forks of the Simple Mobile Tools suite before they got bought and started putting ads in the non-paid verions.

  • Any recommendations for open source android photo editor?
  • Fossify Gallery? I've been using it, and enjoy it. FOSS, no ads, Android 14 (Lineage 21). Granted, most of what I need to do is just basic cropping and the occasional useless red circle, but it does all that.

  • [Bug][v1.4.29] Feed sometimes skips a whole load of entries
  • Thanks for the additional info. When I switch to my other PC, I'll try to do a run through against, scaled sort, with all the options you had set. Hopefully I can reproduce it.

    It looks the same except the lower two options are missing for me.

    Yeah, is on 0.19.5 and those two options require 0.19.7 or higher, so they're hidden/disabled.

    I'm hoping the issue is just with the embeds enabled in the feed. Like I said, that's been deprecated and I rarely test in that configuration. I also have some memory hacks in place that turn those back into thumbnails when they're out of the viewport, so maybe there's a bug in that process when embeds are 'always on'?

    If that does turn out to be the case, then the good news is it'll be fixed in 1.4.30 since everything is click-to-play.

    Edit: I think I was able to see what you're referring to. It only did it once for me (and I had matched your settings), but I believe I can confidently say that the issue does exist. So, that's progress.

    Hypothesis is that when the infinite scroll buffer overflows and it pops the oldest entries from the beginning of the feed, there's some weird behavior with FF (I don't think I've seen this on FF mobile, though).

    Will keep testing and see if I can pin that down as the cause or rule it out.

  • [Bug][v1.4.29] Feed sometimes skips a whole load of entries
  • Ok, thanks (to both replies). I'll match my settings and see if I can reproduce that.

    With the confirmation that it's probably not rolling them up as crossposts, the only thing I can think of is it may be missing a page cursor or something?

    How fluent are you with the browser dev tools? Would you be able to open those, put it on the network tab, and filter for "XHR", scroll through, and see if any API requests fail when you experience one of the jumps?

    Also, what about any of the feed options? Any of those set? I don't think they'd make a difference for this, but since I'm grasping at straws at the moment, it would at least be handy to know I guess.

    Other suggestions:

    Disable media embeds in the feed and see if that is the issue; you can still see the embeds in the feed, but you'll have to click the thumbnail to load the iframe with the media. Always showing iframes has been mostly deprecated for a while now, and in the next release (1.4.30), those are actually going away with everything being click to play. The reasoning is in the changelog, but in short, it makes a huge improvement in performance and memory utilization.

  • [Bug][v1.4.29] Feed sometimes skips a whole load of entries
  • One possible cause is that in the last few versions, I changed the crosspost rollup behavior so that it checks for crossposts against the whole feed and not just the current batch So a post may come in, but there's already a matching crosspost in the feed above, so it folds into that and "jumps" a bit as that one briefly appears and disappears (I'm aware of that, but it's not been too frequent of an issue).

    A whole batch seems too much for that to be the cause, but it is possible.

    If you scroll back up and see that some posts suddenly have crossposts listed, then that could be the cause.

    If so, then I guess I can revert that to just checking for crossposts within the current batch and deal with seeing more duplicate posts.

    Another possible cause could be something interrupting the fetch but the page cursor gets out of sync?

    Not sure what to ask to dive deeper into those without being able to see it, but maybe I can replicate the behavior somehow.

    • What instance are you browsing when that happens?
    • Are you using the hosted Tesseract instance, does host an instance, or are you hosting one yourself?
    • Are you using "Compact" or "Card" view when that happens?
    • Do you have the "Enable Embedded Media in the Feed" option enabled?

    I can probably test with the hosted instance, but just trying to get as much info as I can.

  • A federal website on reproductive rights has vanished
  • Between this, the Spanish language White House site, and the CBP app, there were obviously people just waiting to hit the "off" switch.

  • Featured
    This is going to be a long 4 years, so only posts about factual things happening or have happened.
  • I like the vibe here and appreciate the curation.

    Definitely agree that only concrete "will happen" or "is happening" articles should be posted. News outlets should take note of that.

  • [Meta] What do you think about bringing up someone's modlog when they start making claims about other mods/communities/instances?
  • I mean, there's a reason I added a button for "View [User's] Modlog History" to Tesseract long before any other UI even considered it. Take that as you will.

  • How are you doing with your communities?
  • The only thing I have that I'd not be mortified to share (only mildly embarrassed) is a very heavy, probably quite inefficient SQL script to grab the vote aggregates for a community grouped by actor id.

    Input: Local Community ID


    • Actor ID
    • Publish/create date of the actor
    • Number of post upvotes given in the community
    • Number of post downvotes given in the community
    • Number of comment upvotes given in the community
    • Number of comment downvotes given in the community
    • Number of posts in the community
    • Number of comments in the community

    If you want the SQL, send me a DM or reply and I can DM it to you. For the action / scoring logic, you'll probably be better off writing your own since my scripts are a bit of a mess. The basic flow, though, is:

    The output from the SQL is fed into other scripts which compute a "participation ratio" for each given actor id. That's just a fancy way of saying if they have no/few posts/comments in the community, give out X downvotes for every upvote given (if any), the number of interactions is above a minimum threshold, and their account is older than a minimum defined number of days, it'll add those actor_ids to a queue file.

    The thresholds are quite generous, though they can be tightened if needed. One thing to note is that downvotes received in the community is not factored in; just the number of submissions to the community (if any).

    The queue file is then processed to ban those users from that community with a preset reason.

    That runs via cron about once a day on a list of community IDs in a config file. I usually check the modlog every morning to review any bans that happen overnight (if any). Previously, I would manually review and issue any bans by hand using the list of actor IDs it generated (which has since became the queue file).

    The scripts are a bunch of Bash scripts that I've put together over a long period of time for various purposes, and many are daisy-chained together. I've been meaning to re-write it in Python now that I have a better idea of what I want it to do, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

    I will say that the script doesn't have to take action on a per-community basis that often. Most of the bans issued are to accounts that just downvote everything (which are detected by another, similar script). When those "mass downvote" accounts are banned, they're also banned from each local community (I don't enforce that to any communities I mod elsewhere).

  • Alright, so what is the current recommended way to share pictures on Lemmy?
  • Whatever solution you use, just make sure it allows "hotlinking" without having to leave the app/Lemmy web interface to see them. If an image doesn't embed, I won't click outside to see it; I'll just scroll past.

    I've not had any problems with Catbox, though (I use it to share gifs larger than my instance allows for uploads). It was down a bit yesterday (was going to share a screen recording demonstrating a new feature), but works fine for the most part.

    I have read Yarn (gif archive) is sometimes problematic/unreliable, but I usually wrap those in Tesseract's image proxy which addresses it.

    For 95% of cases, I just upload directly to my instance. It's got a 250kb max limit, but we use Tesseract as the default UI which can pre-process uploads to webp prior to uploading which will typically get them under that limit.

  • Loony religions in the US and consequences.
  • Of course, the "founders" were people that were kicked out of everywhere else because they were trying to convert them to their extremist religious views

    Small Correction: Those were the Puritans / Pilgrims, and they predate the Founding Fathers by over 150 years. They showed up in 1620, pretty much as-described in the post, but the people who we consider the Founding Fathers didn't actually found the country until 157 years later. The latter did not want a religious theocracy here unlike the earlier settlers who were so insufferable England basically put them on a boat and set them adrift in the Atlantic (not literally, but not exactly not that, either).

    Many Americans also fail to realize there's a 157 year gap between "fled England to escape religious persecution" and declaring independence from England. They also fail to realize the puritans were the persecutors and not the ones being persecuted (Edit: I originally phrased that backwards).

    So apparently,, in the US, anything goes. The holy Flying Spaghetti Monster, blessed be it's meat balls, showed us that. But then what?

    Technically / legally? Yes. However, there's increasing Christo-publican insistence on treating anything but Christianity as a second-class religion, at best, while implementing clearly unconstitutional laws based on their flavor of Xtianity.

    Also, is this a question for the US demographic, or are you just blowing off steam? Not that I disagree with you, just trying to keep the community on-topic.

  • YSK If you live in the US, you may have unclaimed funds held by your state
  • e3: if you find unclaimed funds, please comment! I’m fascinated to know, no matter how large or small.

    LOL! I have $53.47 to claim (which I can do online).

    Backstory: I refinanced my house in 2020, and there was an escrow overage after it was all said and done. The bank mailed me a check, and I never got around to depositing it; by the time I tried, it was expired.

    The only way to have the bank reissue it is to fill out and return (via snail mail) a form they mailed me. I also never got around to filling that out or mailing it. I think they sent that form two or three times, and, again, I'm useless at dealing with snail mail.

    I guess they stopped trying and just sent it to the state's unclaimed funds department. Now I can fill out a quick form online and have it direct deposited.

    Score 1 for laziness.

  • Featured
    Looking for mods / contributors
  • Oh, nice.

    My avatar is accurate; I am a flip phone user lol. I have the Loops app on my old smartphone, but it lives in a drawer for the most part. Web UI will be a huge benefit for me.

  • Featured
    Looking for mods / contributors
  • I finally got my Loops account approved a few days ago and have been meaning to start posting, but I've just not really had time to dive in yet.

    Really wish you could browse from the web though. :(

  • When it's forecast to drop to -3 F and your power suddenly goes out...

    And here I am using those 3 minutes and 30 seconds to make this meme. I have no regre🥶

    Update: Life support restored.

    Progresso launches Soup Drops, a hard candy that's 'soup you can suck on'
  • When I was a (weird) kid, I would suck on the chicken-flavored bouillon cubes. "Weird kid" me would probably have asked for those at the store. Weird adult me will just make soup.

  • See 40+ New Photos from the Star Trek: Section 31 Movie
  • Totally forgot about the Borg, but I guess I never really thought of those as mech suits.

  • See 40+ New Photos from the Star Trek: Section 31 Movie
  • I was just thinking about that! I want to say no since it was basically a fancy space suit that could open wormholes for time travel. I don't recall it having any features that we typically associate with mech suits.

  • See 40+ New Photos from the Star Trek: Section 31 Movie
  • Aside from Melora's assistive pseudo-exoskeleton from the self-titled DS9 episode, is this the first mech suit in Trek? I don't recall any prior, but my memory isn't what it used to be lol.

  • Apparently Geordi didn't take the "Yes, and..." elective at Starfleet Academy

    TNG 2x17 - Samaritan Snare

    Either he didn't take the improve elective or the Pakleds were just sucking all the smart out of the room.

    Zero-wasting the cold: Does anyone ever freeze blocks of ice outside in the winter and let them defrost in the fridge/freezer?

    Curious if this would have any noticeable energy savings. Basically thinking of taking old semi-disposable plastic containers (the ones that like deli meat, butter, etc come in), freezing them outdoors, and letting them defrost (absorb heat) in the fridge/freezer. Basically back to the "ice box" model.

    Anybody doing that and/or have any results to share? Mostly curious if it would be worth the effort.

    One To Watch For In 2025: Tanmatsu One To Watch For In 2025: Tanmatsu

    If you’ve used the Espressif series of processors, perhaps you’ll have heard of their upcoming ESP32-P4. This is an application processor, with dual RISC-V cores at 400 MHz, and save fo…

    One To Watch For In 2025: Tanmatsu

    If you’ve used the Espressif series of processors, perhaps you’ll have heard of their upcoming ESP32-P4. This is an application processor, with dual RISC-V cores at 400 MHz, and save for a lack of an MMU, a spec sheet much closer to the kind of silicon you’d find in single board computers with pretensions towards being a mini-PC.

    The Tanmatsu (Japanese for “Terminal”) is an all-in-one palmtop computer for hackers, with a QWERTY keyboard and an 800×480 DSI display. It’s designed with plenty of expansion in mind, and it’s got space on board for a LoRa radio. The reason we’re interested is that it comes from some of our friends in the world of event badges, so we’ve seen and handled real working prototypes, and we know that its makers come from a team with a proven record in manufacture and delivery of working hardware. The prototype we saw had hardware that was very close to the final version, and an operating system and software that was still under development but on track for the April release of the device. It will be fully open-source in both hardware and software.

    Power Rangers' Earliest Heroes Are Speaking Out on Its Harsh Filming Conditions Power Rangers' Earliest Heroes Are Speaking Out on Its Harsh Filming Conditions

    Austin St. John and Walter Emanuel Jones, who played Red and Black Rangers Zack and Jason, recently opened up about their experience being catapulted to '90s superstardom... and seeing very little in return.

    Power Rangers' Earliest Heroes Are Speaking Out on Its Harsh Filming Conditions

    Austin St. John and Walter Emanuel Jones, who played Red and Black Rangers Zack and Jason, recently opened up about their experience being catapulted to '90s superstardom... and seeing very little in return.

    It’s long been known that, despite Power Rangers‘ overnight success, its behind-the-scenes drama saw its cast and crew earn very little of the blockbuster cash the series brought in as it exploded in the early ’90s. But in a new video together, two of the original members of the Mighty Morphin’ team opened up about just how sketchily they were treated, both before and after Saban realized the phenomenon it had in its Spandex-clad hands.

    Woman Enters MRI With Butt Plug, Ends Up In Hospital Woman Enters MRI With Butt Plug, Ends Up In Hospital

    The woman reportedly screamed out in pain as she was being taken out of the machine.

    Woman Enters MRI With Butt Plug, Ends Up In Hospital

    The woman reportedly screamed out in pain as she was being taken out of the machine.

    An anonymous medical provider reported the strange incident to the Food and Drug Administration in April 2023, though it’s received renewed media attention this week. The 22-year-old woman reportedly screamed out in pain as she was pulled out of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine following a scan, which then prompted her delayed admission of having had a “butt plug” inserted.

    Home Improvement Admiral Patrick
    Refrigerator Power Consumption / Plugging into UPS [Question]

    My power is generally pretty reliable, but when it does have issues, it often flickers violently. More than once, I thought the control board in my fridge got fried, but was luckily able to do the refrigerator equivalent to Ctrl+Alt+Delete and reset it.

    I have an extra 800W UPS laying around, so I figured I'd give it a try and see if it would run it. I'm not really looking to use the UPS to keep it powered during an outage, just to deal with the power flickers/surges/brownouts that may damage it (surge protectors won't protect against brownouts). Any additional cooling time during an outage would simply be a bonus.

    To my surprise, it works. Not only works, but only seems to draw between 110 and 160 watts (compressor on, door open). However, I expected it to draw power in the 700-900 watt range. Granted, the last time I worried about refrigerator wattage was years ago when I lived in the boonies, had an older fridge, and had to resource-manage when I was running from the generator on a long outage.

    Is that normal for a 26 cu ft refrigerator? I'd say it's probably close to 10 years old. AFAIK, the UPS reports the wattage draw correctly (at least, the values were within expectations when I was using it with my desktop workstation). The manual for the fridge says 115v / 10 A but it doesn't seem to use anywhere close to that.

    Additionally, are there any hidden risks to running a refrierator from a UPS? It's a pure sine wave UPS, so the power should be as clean as or cleaner than utility.

    PSA: Posting a YouTube video? Just post the canonical YT link

    I get it - Google sucks for a lot of reasons. Unfortunately, they own the largest video sharing platform, and it's difficult to avoid. Many people opt to use and share links to 3rd party web interfaces that greatly de-enshittify the experience (Piped/Invidious), and I'm glad for that and that those projects exist.

    That said, when sharing a YT video, please just share the canonical YouTube link rather than a link to a random Piped/Invidious instance and let people handle using a 3rd party interface themselves.


    Most People Who Care Probably Already Have a Mechanism in Place

    People who want to use 3rd party YT frontends probably already have a mechanism in place to deal with that: integrated Lemmy client support, browser plugin to automatically redirect YT links to their preferred instance, mobile apps that handle YT links, annoying bot, etc.

    You're Forcing Someone to Use Their Non-Preferred Instance

    With YouTube having a relatively small number of domains, it's infinitely easier to detect YouTube links and automatically/transparently re-write them to a Piped/Invidious instance of the user's choice than the other way around.

    It's much more difficult to do the opposite and account for all the random Inv/Piped instances in the wild, and there's no way to really identify them by URL alone (aside from a big list which is difficult to keep up-to-date or be all-inclusive).

    The Invidious/Piped server you're linking to may work well for you, but could be on the other side of the planet for someone else. It may also be unreliable, slow, overloaded, or otherwise sub-optimal for sharing links with a wide audience.

    Combined, this makes it much more difficult for people to use a local or preferred Invidious/Piped instance while also contributing to a degraded experience.

    Boulevard of Broken Dreams Links

    Invidious/Piped are in a constant cat and mouse game against Google. In between Google making a change to break Invidious/Piped and those projects implementing and deploying workarounds, we end up with a lot of non-functional links that need to be re-written to another instance or back to YT. That's not even accounting for Invidious/Piped instances that shut down/go permanently offline. Again, it's infinitely easier to re-write a YT link to another Inv/Piped instance than detect every possible Inv/Piped link and redirect those.


    So, while people's desire to de-Google is laudable, please be aware that it can also be counterproductive. Sharing the canonical YT link allows the link to avoid dying due to numerous circumstances while also making it much easier for Lemmy clients, browser plugins, etc to use the user's preferred instance to avoid a degraded experience.

    Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved [2001]

    One of their later songs, but takes me back to my college days.

    Tesseract 1.4.26 Released [Troll Buster 5000]

    Cross-posted from "1.4.26 Released [Troll Buster 5000]" by in !



    This release brings bugfixes, ability to upload videos, and new moderation capabilities.


    • Add /reports route that redirects to /moderation so the email links from the API work correctly if you're using Tesseract in place of Lemmy-UI as your default frontend.
    • Add moderation button to crosspost items
    • Long links in the modlog were not wrapping when reflowing to mobile
    • Pause markdown videos/audio when leaving viewport instead of destroying (same as how post videos are now handled).

    Bugfixes from 1.4.25

    Didn't do a post for 1.4.25, but there were only some minor bugfixes in that release.

    • When viewing a user's submissions in the profile modal from a /c/community page, the post meta is hiding the community and treating inCommunity as true.
    • Removed code to switch between community icon and user avatars in CommentMeta component since that's actually useless since you can't browse just comments in a community.
    • Comment card colors were not reactively updating when user was banned with content removal from site/community
    • When removing/hiding a community, the local cache of the community details was not updated to reflect that; had to open the app in a new tab to get a new session in order to fetch it again. The cache now updates on block/unblock/hide/unhide.

    New Features

    Support for Video Uploads

    Less a "new feature" and more a bugfix to canonize a feature I didn't realize already existed and mostly worked lol.

    The file upload handler sets the supported MIME types, but it has no way to enforce them (it's more a suggestion to the browser). A user reported that they forced a video upload, and it worked, but the process was buggy. This was a surprise since I'd never actually tested or even thought about supporting video uploads.

    So I patched up the upload handler to support video/mp4 and video/webm formats. The previewer will only show the first frame as if it were a static image, but it will no longer glitch out. It will also automatically disable and hide the "Pre-convert to webp" options if a video is detected.

    I'm not sure how useful this will be since most instances limit upload file sizes or disallow videos, but if you're on a supported instance, hey, you can do videos now.

    Edit/Clarification: You've always been able to link to a video. This addition allows you to upload a video to your instance's pict-rs as you would an image.

    New Moderation Capabilities (aka Troll Buster 5000)

    Added support for community moderators and admins to issue bulk community bans/unbans. For several releases now, Tesseract has had the ability for mods (or admins) to directly ban/unban a user from a community (Community Modal -> Ban/Unban User -> Enter username -> Ban/Unban).

    Now, there's an extra option to allow issuing either action in bulk for every community you moderate.

    Highly useful if a known troll is roaming about (you probably already know which one I'm talking about) and you want to quickly ban them from all of the communities you moderate (whether they've posted there or not).

    I'm all about being proactive, so if a known troll is making rounds, I see no reason for them to have to make a mess first when I can simply prevent the mess (or further messes).

    > Example: You're scrolling /all and see some vile, racist troll posts from a brand new account. Rather than having to wait on an admin to ban them or waiting for them to hit your communities before you can do anything about it, you can simply click their username and [pre] ban them from everything you moderate. Easy peazy.

    Basically, every time "that guy" goes on a trolling spree, Tesseract's mod tools adapt and get more powerful. A less polished version of this feature has been in my "private" build for a while now, but since "that guy" shows no signs of buggering off, I figured it was time to mainline it and give everyone else the same defensive capabilities I've thus far hoarded for myself.

    > Note: Please do not use this feature as an "I really don't like this person" button. In the wrong hands it's got high potential for abuse, I admit, but the benefits it offers outweigh the risks of a few bad mods going on a power trip. > > This is a powerful feature. Please use it responsibly. > > If time passes and it seems like I've handed loaded guns to a bunch of toddlers, I'll absolutely yank this feature and move it back to my private build.

    Modes of Operation

    It works a little differently depending on where it's invoked and whether you're a moderator and/or an admin.

    In all cases, the expiration date, reason, and whether to remove content applies to all communities (i.e. the API is called for the same user with the same options and loops through the list of communities you moderate).

    User Profile Modal

    New option in the user profile modal to ban/unban that user from all of your moderated communities. Available to Mods + Admins


    This button is also available in the Moderation Modal as well as the quick actions on the moderation reports.

    Ban Instance Modal (Admins) With Option to Ban from all Remote Communities They May Moderate

    For admins, there's a new option in the "Ban User..." form to "Ban All Remote Communities". Will issue community bans for all remote communities you may be moderating in addition to the instance ban for your home instance. The "remote" filter is to avoid spamming the modlog in case you're an admin of a large instance (technically you moderate all local communities you're subscribed to).


    Community Profile Modal: The "Ban/Unban" option has been extended to allow optionally banning/unbanning the supplied user from all the communities you moderate. Available to Mods and Admins.

    Here, the user is not pre-populated and you can enter the username in any of the following formats:

    • Actor ID:
    • @ Format:
    • Lemmyverse Link:


    While "Ban" is the action shown in the screenshots, these work in reverse as well to unban them from all. The only thing that's not automated is restoring content if "remove content" was selected during the initial ban. I'm working on that, but there's no clean way to do it without restoring everything, even things that were removed prior to the ban action. As always (since this is the case for all UIs with mod tools), take care when selecting "Remove content" when issuing bans.


    > Note for admins: Since you technically moderate all communities on your instance, it will only issue bans for communities on your instance that you are subscribed to. The preferred flow for admins is to just instance ban them and select the option to "Ban All Remote Communities" if needed/applicable. Care should also be taken to not select that if they violate a local instance rule but not a remote community/instance rule.


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    ptz Admiral Patrick

    I'm surprisingly level-headed for being a walking knot of anxiety.

    Ask me anything.

    I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks

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