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The Mirror - A Godot fork meant to rival Roblox/UEFN just went open source

This is kind of huge, isn't it? I've been seeing this engine around for a while (it was still in closed alpha I believe) and it seemed really well done. It's a Godot fork that's intended to be a simpler experience like Roblox, where it has visual scripting, handles all the multiplayer itself, and allows you to create worlds collaboratively with friends and co-workers in real-time.

The only thing people seemed iffy about was monetization and its closed-source nature, but now that it's here and FOSS, anyone think it might blow up and be a great introduction to game development for beginners and kids?

I'll probably test it and see how it is later, but it does seem like it's still in alpha.


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  • The people that handle the engine posting that meme on what is supposed to be an official website is bad enough, but i think they dont even understand why Fortnite and Roblox are popular, they are not popular because they are easy to use, they are popular because they are easy to use AND they are attached to two of the most popular and well known games on earth.

    Obviously i hope that stuff like Godot gets more traction, but saying that this is going to dethrone or kill uefn and roblox is just hilarous tbh.

    Edit: Oh, i see now why everything seemed so sketchy, they have been promoting this since 2022 as a platform for metaverses, webchain and all that web3 bullshit

    • Edit: Oh, i see now why everything seemed so sketchy, they have been promoting this since 2022 as a platform for metaverses, webchain and all that web3 bullshit

      That might've been the investor pitch but luckily it doesn't seem like any of that has made it into what exists now. Seems like they're just going to take a percentage of profit from games on their platform.

    • People’s sudden, blind hatred for anything to do with crypto is a great indicator of their own personal incapacity for critical thinking and a proclivity to lazily adopt the opinions of their peers.

      Crypto bad! /s

      Wait until you find out that in-game items in MMORPG’s are really just NFT’s under a less crypto-bro pseudonym!

      Perhaps you should boycott all online video games entirely because they’re all technically using crypto bro concepts like NFT’s to represent in-game items.

      • You're so, so close. MMORPG items aren't the pseudonyms, NFTs are. As you say, they're hardly different and nobody has ever tried marketing those as someone entirely new and amazing. That's the issue with NFTs, they're marketing bullshit because why would you market online items as being revolutionary

        • Does it ever hurt your brain to be so reductive about whole industries? Many, many people in the crypto industry have been dragged kicking and screaming into the "line go up" marketing bullshit and people like you are perfectly happy to lump them all together. It makes you look like a sheep. Some people are actually in it for the tech.

          This reminds me of smug DNC cultists who will call anyone that expresses even the slightest criticism of Joe Biden a "Trump supporter" simply because they are programmed to lazily reduce the complexity of the human condition into two clear camps when in reality, the variety of positions that one can hold are infinite.

          It also stinks to high heaven of heavily propagandized people who intensely support an actual genocide against Palestine because the adults in the room told them that they will be seen as anti-semetic if they oppose it while simultaneously foaming at the mouth over the "atrocities" being committed against Ukraine (who's military is run by actual Nazis who actually admit to being anti-semetic).

          In conclusion, I highly doubt that any of your opinions were developed in your own mind. If your propaganda network supported crypto technologies tomorrow, you'd suddenly support them too.

      • Haha, thats so funny that inside your own comment you tell why nfts are a scam and the blockchain solves no real problem and then had the guts to send the message.

        • It’s even funnier that you’re all high and mighty while demonstrating a lack of understanding about NFT’s.

          Here’s some nuance (for those that are allergic to it): I AGREE THAT NFT’s ARE A DUMB IDEA WHEN THEY ARE USED TO SELL JPEGS. I never bought a single NFT.

          However, in crypto world, they are also TOTALLY VALID:



          • D.I.D (digital identity)

          • in thousands of other contexts where uniqueness needs to be codified

          • Oh, what a surprise, you say there are thousands of contexts, but you only list 3, and on 2 of those its more efficient and secure to actually not use blockchain. So what we have left? Dapps? Which people are trying to push but they are barely of any relevance? Oh damn. I guess that blockchain is really skyrocketing of outside of speculating with nfts and cryptocurrencies! /s

            People that like the blockchain is more invested into trying to use it in things that are better done with other technologies than on actually seeing what is worth for, which is not much right now.

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