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What is the craziest "Karen" you've ever encountered?


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  • I was working as a security guard.

    She called the cops on me because i refused to call my manager for her. The thing was it was getting late and my manager goes into the office early.

    She wanted to complain about how I tie my shoes.

    She came in when I was re-tying my boots, saw that it was weird. Got offended enough to demand I tie them “the right way”.

    I politely explained that the usual bow falls apart too quickly, especially with the boot laces, and the doubled up bow is impossible to undo. This was a much better knot… and “now are you visiting someone here?” (Aka “can I just trespass you already.”)

    She got even more offended, insisting I do it right. I refused again. She insisted I get the manager… whose at home, probably sleeping or fucking... Nope. Not giving you his cell either, so you can harass him.

    So she called the cops for “impersonating a security guard and I just feel very unsafe!”

    So. Cops come out. Replayed the security tapes - with audio- “yeah.”

    • You can just say he's sleeping...

      But also wow

      • No. I told her the truth: she doesn’t get to demand that. It’s contract security, and while there are elements of customer service…it is absolutely not customer service. For one thing we’re allowed- and expected to tell people to fuck off.

        If I had to call my boss- who literally had no fucking clue what the policies at that account were- every time someone felt entitled…

        We wouldn’t be in business very long as a company.

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