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  • Idk Sleepy Joe, Rocket Man, Mini Mike Bloomberg, Lyin ____ (in Trump affect), hit harder than Joe Biden saying "Broke Don" ever will.

    Needs more syllables or something that's at least memorable like "Pauper Don" would've been better to me.

    • I don't think "Don" works at all because nobody calls him that. The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is "Donald Broke". It's very dumb but I think it's still better than Broke Don.

      • yeah, people call him Trump and that's his brand. it has to be something that uses that, but makes it more crass.

        like "Shitty Trump"

        • "Shitty Trump"

          From the other room "Mom, mom, mooooooooooom! I just heard President Biden use a swear!"

          "Are you using that Tiktok again. I told you to stop that. They need to ban that. Biden didn't say it. It's got to be pretend. AI maybe?"

          He marches into the room. "It's on Youtube. See?" He starts playing it. "Look, look, look."

          "They lie on Youtube too."

          "I'm watching the Associated Press Youtube channel, mom."

          "Oh, my goodness!"

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