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What is the communist position on the definition of fascism?
  • I ask, because you see a lot of libs and liblefts calling America fascist, but then being asked how, and not being able to respond.

    I think for me fascism is what happens when people with power and you know some people performing democracy are working to only improve their own position by eliminating democracy for others. Somewhere, sometimes at home but usually last. Whether because the powerful people are literally Hitler or because everything in the current arrangement incentivizes these outcomes. Plenty of people don't think about the ideology of what they're doing, but there definitely are ones who do.

    I'm fucking stoned but financing the police and militaries of dictatorships friendly to large western shareholders. All those episodes where we just snuffed out of a democracy because of those same shareholders' interests. Often doing things under false or imagined pretexts engineered by oligarchs. Decisions that put millions of lives at risk, based on Team B, "mind control" accusations on par with Havana Syndrome, and WMD.

    After WW2 the country was resegregated racially with CIA drugs as the pretext for FHA redlining. Just because the consensus of a few powerful families, some officially foreigners, doesn't have a guy going i-am-adolf-hitler and people mostly comply because they're too powerless on their own and the powerful people were incentivized by market forces that doesn't make the outcomes for billions of people any less fascistic.

  • Trumpy is a Swifty?
  • brow "unusually beautiful"

    He baiting some Q thing?

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • Excited to see how Biden's latest facelift is.

    Hopeful we get at least one Trumpism, bonus points if somebody's eye fills with blood.

  • Dr Disrespect admits that he sent "inappropriate" messages to a minor, says he won't stop streaming on youtube
  • Somehow I've never been less surprised by one of these revelations and I've seen like 2 clips of this weirdo. I think it was just him telling a story about vandalism to his home or something but it was bad vibe city.

  • Question on the Jakarta Method
  • (In general don't forget that Bevins' book, while good and informative, is somehow still a hangout of sorts, there's still more in Indonesia that it doesn't touch on that's somehow even worse. I won't speak ill of him because I don't know much about him, but I think the details will be coming through the left podcast sphere in due time. Don't want to butcher it.)

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • Assuming it's not total BS like many of these articles ultimately are, the 1/3 (1/10) being talked about are probably people in San Fran or Boston with a high paying job but absurd housing costs, and some edge cases with self-employed people or people laundering drug proceeds and shit.

  • Police: Vandal spray paints ‘F--- Elon’ on 34 Tesla Cybertrucks in Fort Lauderdale
  • selling so well theyve got 34 sitting in an unsecured leased lot apparently

    might just be the city's RMA storage

  • OceanGate co-founder organising trip to one of world’s deepest sinkholes a year after Titan disaster
  • [dipshit with death wish] is planning a descent to explore Dean's blue hole


  • Apparently Geico won't insure the Cybertruck any more.
  • they could be involved in shorting TSLA and keeping these things on the road to try to maximize the body count

  • Putin has secretly turned every black American online into Russian disinformation agents and that's why Biden might lose the election
  • In exchange for keeping most of the racism, white workers got concession from capital for some number of decades. Then obama and now we're even right? Kicked the can enough, surely... cool-zone how-did-this-happen

  • Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby
  • The ultimate irony will be when the US starts a nuclear war and finds out most of that 50B$/yr arsenal maintenance just gets spirited away and there's only a handful that function.

  • Community mesh networking
  • Only time I ever got buy-in with non-techies was in uni when some friends and I brought the fast as fuck uni fiber speeds to the town bordering campus. On campus was 1Gbps, but the town was a mix of 4 different copper line providers with max speeds of 25Mbps/5Mbps. This was early days for some of that stuff, circa 2011.

  • Has anyone else had to deal with joining multiple Facebook pages under the same business account?
  • I tried in 2019, somebody who had two ~10yo pages with two separate accounts as admins and the invites to the page staff or whatever just never arrived. Eventually support sent us a link to a page with a much older stylesheet, no headers or titles, where the name of the FB page we were trying to transfer was a single checkbox item with an "OK" button... Felt like their equivalent of those menus in Windows that still uses '95 icons and styles. There was some long random string in it like a password reset link and it returned a 500 error when revisited.

  • Trump threatens to cut US aid to Ukraine quickly if reelected
  • doubt just needs the MIC to cut him in or lean on him like obviously happened with the GOP house speaker

    That April 2022 peace deal is going to have been the best deal the average civilian governed by UA could've gotten this decade... Obviously so, because it would have avoided most of the refugee crisis, risk of thermonuclear escalation and winter, destruction of built environment, and some of both the further entrenching of the existing fascist oligarchy & requisite IMF/World Bank loans and austerity to rebuild shittier.

  • Serious: struggling with misogynistic thoughts
  • A lot of that's probably some neural process resulting from evolution honestly, despite being able to recognize these things we do only have so many senses and mental buckets.

    I've always had friends who were women/girls growing up, mostly through other friends. It's possible otherwise I may have been susceptible to similar patterns of thinking after a relationship ending. I'd say the relationship with therapists and lawyers is still somewhat stressful, even if it gets you to a less stressful place ultimately, so I can see why it may leech into relationships like that...

    So my input would be to try finding a hobby where you can be at ease around women, other people too you know what I mean probably. Maybe some kind of martial art or something easy like board games (there's actually really good ones now).

  • ???
  • When we hear about "blah blah blah", it's not a win, i-am-adolf-hitler

  • The full history of YouTube
  • They should just eat the costs, I mean if any org can...

    At the same time, I helped a friend collect youtube data years ago and the volume of eg European children uploading hours of HD Minecraft footage with 0-10 views a piece was astounding.

  • Could someone help me pirate a book? I can't find it anywhere and I really need it for my degree.
  • If you do end up using getting the Library of Congress credentials and can't figure out how to de-DRM the encrypted DAISY file(s) I can help

  • They're ingrained in every group I swear to god
  • I love that the chart makes no sense, as a chart