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From its start, Gmail conditioned us to trade privacy for free services From its start, Gmail conditioned us to trade privacy for free services

If Gmail proved anything, it was that people would, for the most part, accept any terms of service. Or at least not care enough to read the fine-print closely.

From its start, Gmail conditioned us to trade privacy for free services
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  • And the company came under fire again in 2018 after The Wall Street Journal revealed it was allowing third-party developers to trawl users’ Gmail inboxes, to which Google responded by reminding users it was within their power to grant and revoke those permissions.

    So you can remove those permissions, just that it's enabled by default. Shitty design, but it's not mandatory to enable those, just like how you are not forced to use edge when you get a Windows computer.

    • You kind of are forced to use Edge though. There are certain functions via which Edge and only Edge will always launch. F1, the help button, is bound to a function that launches Edge anywhere in Windows Explorer, so you have a hotkey that cannot be rebound ready to pop Edge into your face at any time if you happen to fat-finger it.

      The only way you can prevent it from launching Edge is either to intercept the keystroke with AHK or similar, or remove Edge in an unsanctioned manner that requires deep system fuckery, which will often be reversed on the next system update. There are other links within the system settings dialogues that do this too.

      At that point I'd call it mandatory.

      • Unless you want to fix your computer abd clean the windows off.

        • I do actually. It's just a lot of work that I haven't had time or energy for. Not everybody has the spoons to switch to linux.

          • Honestly, with a super used friendly distro like mint or Ubuntu, or even pop, its not actually harder than windows, it's just pve instead of PvP when you have trouble; it feels like teamwork and learning rather than being fucked with like windows always seems to.

            • I have heard that before, to be quite honest.

              My resolve is building for a new attempt, but I have repeatedly tried for over 15 years now to make this switch, and still it remains the domain of servers and raspberry pis in my house.

              The problem is not getting the base system running to a reasonable level. It is fixing the slew of problems that occur when I try to do literally anything beyond web browsing and text editing. Every single new program or piece of hardware seems to take hours of investigation and troubleshooting.

              Did you know that the Ubuntu I installed on my second machine can't play MP4s at all? Like... the default program just refuses to play anything. I've tried to fix it but it's not an issue anyone else seems to have. It's that broken out of the box. And this is after I got Samba working which took several attempts when I had the energy, and I cannot face the notion of installing another flavour of linux just to go through all that again and find out whatever new issues there are, so I guess the server I use to capture footage just can't play back that footage. Great.

              One of the hardest transitions will be my Pimax VR headset, which runs on a proprietary program made in house by the sole hardware manufacturer that interfaces with SteamVR and only runs on Windows. The program is temperamental at best without running it through Wine, which I've never heard of anybody successfully doing.

              So like, nice idea, but you linux evangelists need to stop being so glib about the switch and understand that the ecosystem just doesn't have the critical mass it needs for switching to be an unambiguous good.

              I want to be able to switch. I have read the articles. I have reviewed the flavours. I have trisd the livedisks. I have had a toxic fanboy attack me under a 7 year old stackoverflow thread because my question mentioned using PuTTY. I am a programmer. I have tried for literal decades. It is not. That. Simple.

              • Linux will never be on the cutting edge of consumer technology where you want to exist. But most people don't want to exist on that edge (or can't afford it).

                If you want to make Linux work for you, you'd have to accept that you're going to need separate devices (sometimes MacOS, sometimes Windows OS, even iOS or Android OS at times) to work with the newest toys and gadgets. Not even VMs will cut it every time.

                People recommending Linux as a primary OS fir home use are a self selected group of people who don't value those new products and exclusive software.

                • It absolutely is on the cutting edge in lots of ways. It can move faster than other systems that have to wait for full releases to make major changes, and those changes don't have to satisfy a board of directors by incorporating the latest buzzword scams. The problem is that it doesn't have critical mass. This works on a similar network effect to what we see in the fediverse. It will just take getting to a tipping point where hardware and software makers can no longer ignore it, and then I think we'll quickly see a change. It's already happened in servers and general hacker gear and maker stuff. It just hasn't quite made it there for the desktop. Who knows how long that will take.

                  • Linux certainly has the possibility of being cutting edge in the consumer market but isn't and there's disincentive from a social and economic standpoint to make me confident that it will likely never be. Companies like System76 give me a but of hope though. (Although I suspect that they have long-term plans to adopt RedoxOS as their primary OS eventually.

              • So, I haven't ever had trouble playing anything with vlc. Except a .INI once, but there was acid involved.

                Yeah proprietary bullshit literally locked to only run on windows could be a problem. Maybe stop buying that garbage? Transition to hardware that isn't proprietary ecosystem trap dog shit, then switch?

                My reasoning wasn't that Linux is so much easier than it used to be (though it is) or more functional than it used to be (though it is) its that windows just kept fucking with me and I realized I was spending too much time on it's shit-if I'd paid for it I probably would've put a rock through my monitor. Windows c. 2010 might still he better than Linux, but its not supported by anything anymore, so its off the table.

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