What is an interesting fact that you recently discovered?
What is an interesting fact that you recently discovered?
What is an interesting fact that you recently discovered?
Major sporting events are a popular time for men to schedule a vasectomy because they're advised to take it easy for two to three days after the procedure. For most men, this means sitting on the couch in front of their television, and sporting events offer them something to watch while resting.
I find it hard to believe young guys still plan any aspects of their lives around watching sports events.
Not everyone lives in a busling city with lots to do. For some, sport is one of not many outlets, so it becomes almost like a religion
Ummm... as someone who lives in Philadelphia, I can inform you that young men who live in and around this bustling city have adopted sports as their primary religion.
Fair enough. I some times am jealous of people who like following sports. Hanging in a bar watching the sports game and getting drunk sounds fun. I just don't find it fun.
You can hang, drink tea and knit if that's what you like. But it is easy to understand why people get tribal for their sport's favorite team.
I don't know about bars for it, but I do know people who have shows they watch together with a large group of friends, and alcohol can easily be involved there. Works especially well for trash reality TV. The people I first learnt about this practice from watch the Bachelor.
I think Netflix killed this one