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how's your week going, Beehaw

it's a bit of a busy week but i am currently reading I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism


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  • That title takes me back to The X-Files, I never watched past the fourth episode but man, that episode is so good. It's the one when we first understand where "I want to believe" comes from for Moulder.

    My week is still going, Wednesday today. Mon and Tues sucked cuz I live in an underdeveloped country and the town transformer died so no electricity for two days. It's back now and I have started Rise of the Tomb Raider on my potato PC while listening to A Short History of Nearly Everything!

    Uni started this week as well, mediocre so far.

    • We had a similar thing happen at my boarding school a ways back. 3+ days without power and not allowed to leave campus. Not fun!

      • That must have been infuriating, how did you guys pass the time?

        • Well, campus was quite a ways from my parents, but my uncle dropped by with a battery bank that let me keep using my phone for a bit. I mostly switched between watching shows over data and walking around campus with friends. It sucked at the time, but in hindsight it was nice actually getting off my ass and hanging out with people outside.

          • That's nice. A lot of people use uni for that purpose as well and you get a library so you can read in peace

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