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  • It's always funny when liberals come from Reddit because the profit motive slowly ruined everything that once made Reddit fun and disruptive, but then absolutelty mald about Marxists and other leftists once they get here, the explicitly leftist answer to Reddit.

    It's especially bad on !, where the majority of users are too idealistic to stay on Reddit but not well-versed enough in leftist theory or practice to actually engage with most of Lemmy.

    It's even goofier when these same liberals think they are leftists, but then still get upset at Marxists, and even Anarchists.

    • and even Anarchists.

      I have lost count of the number of times I have been called a tankie by libs lol

      I am an anarchist, but I work with a decolonial Marxist org and I have read plenty of ML theory and know who my comrades are.

      • It's pure idealism and vibes, theory is scary and anything beyond the liberal echo chamber is MAGA and Russian propaganda.

        The good news is that the turbo liberalism drives the more well-meaning liberals leftward in search of actual theory.

        • They're afraid to read Lenin because they know they might agree with him.

          • I was called a "fascist" for saying that Lenin was a Marxist. Not even for suggesting to read Lenin! Marx is whatever they want him to be, Lenin is whatever they want him to be (nevermind Lenin's deep respect for Kropotkin), ideas shape reality.

            It's all Idealism.

            • nevermind Lenin's deep respect for Kropotkin


              And not just any train station

              Kropotkinskaya was therefore designed to be the largest and grandest station on the first line.

              I think something both the Vaushites and PatSocs have in common is viewing things in a vacuum like liberals do, they try to carve up ideologies like football teams and insist that you cannot be an anarchist if you don't swallow NATO propaganda, or that you can't be a socialist if you acknowledge the unique struggles of LGBTQ people or colonized people in the US for example.

              Meanwhile historically the lines are a lot fuzzier and both groups have aligned and clashed in various ways over a whole century.

              We also do not need to keep rehashing hundred year old ideological beefs when we can simply examine the causes of those divides and also the points of agreement and learn from past mistakes. This should be something all contemporary communists of any tendency should agree on.

              • Yep, it's 100% vibes based and excessively frustrating to deal with. You don't even have to support the USSR or anything, just please be historically and politically consistent!

                • I have critical support for the USSR because they were clearly a net good and their existence gave leverage and power to workers' movements in the US because they were terrified of us doing our own october revolution. It is glaringly obvious that the existence of the communist bloc held at bay the unrestrained voracious maw of capital because we can see what happened in the years since its (illegal) dissolution.

                  • Sure, I largely agree. I don't believe the USSR was perfect, but I see it as invaluable to seeing how a large-scale socialist project can actually work, and what parts didn't. Regardless of tendency, it's one of the best examples of Socialism at work, period, for good or ill.

            • Ok, that's a new one. Calling you a fascist for saying Lenin was a Marxist...

              I can usually take these liberal takes in stride, but this is like they invented some new kind of weapon. I feel this weird itch to engage with them somehow, and that's not healthy.

              • It's a genuine drain trying to feed's radlibs with any theory of any kind. Usually I try to avoid saying scary words and they will ultimately agree with the logic and analysis, which gives me hope that some can be convinced to actually educate themselves on leftism, but there's such a strong anticommunist slant on that it's usually met with absurd claims with no basis in reality. Just knee-jerk vibes.

    • Congratulations, you’ve described me perfectly! 🥲 (except for the anarchist part, cought up with that about 6 mon ago)

      • If you want to get into Marxism (even if it's just to learn about what people are actually talking about), Principles of Communism by Engels and How Marxism Works by Chris Harman are fantastic pamphlets that really take no time to read through, though beware, Harman is a Trotskyist and that bleeds through a bit in his writing.

        Marx mostly spoke about Capitalism and while no Marxist can avoid reading Marx, he doesn't provide a great introduction to Socialism in the Marxist sense, if that makes sense. Still, Value, Price, and Profit and Wage Labor and Capital are fantastic intros to the critique of Capitalism.

        Even if you're interested in learning about Marxism-Leninism, jumping straight to Lenin before even understanding Marxism would be a mistake. Lenin builds his own critique off of Marxism, as a Marxist, so it is preferable to go through Marx first.

    • The amount of comments I've seen start with "I'm as left as they come" instant eye roll

    • not well-versed enough in leftist theory or practice to actually engage with most of Lemmy.

      The problem is that if your political world view requires actual study in order to understand and promote, you're never going to get anywhere when it comes to affecting real change. Most humans don't give a shit. You have to give them something simple and easy to make the core of their political identity. In our society capitalism has a head start because it's baked into the school system, but you don't get the luxury of forcing everyone to learn how you economic system works.

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