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Something I think everyone here should internalize 🤗
  • We don't think, we ponder.

    P - Is it Pigpoopballs?

    O - Is it Owl related?

    N - Is it Neat?

    D - Is Kissinger still Dead?

    E - Is it Erotic?

    R - Is it Rabidly supportive of Hillary Clinton? Because it really is her turn this sime!

  • Teenagers could lose bank accounts and driving licences for snubbing national service, Rishi Sunak says
  • Oh, this will be really bad when Rishi Sunak is in a position to legislate after the next election. I sure hope the Tories don't use the significant leverage they will have to push for this.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • "This shows that they support each other and help."

    Thank you mr Stoltenberg. I never would have been able to wrap my head around that secret hidden meaning of two countries signing a bilateral defense treaty without your much needed analysis and explanation.

  • Pick 1. You will receive a stack of 100 pills
  • If I take all 100 grey pills at once, does that mean I snore like a cartoon for 100 nights or do I get to be some kind of natural disaster?

  • "Ideally the lord" - a great example why the Bruenigs routinely delete their tweets.
  • The fuck does she mean "ideally the lord"? There are other options that are almost as good as the lord!? Don't throw away the idea just because God hasn't picked an absolute monarch, this cadre of witch doctors is actually very close to God, you won't even notice the difference!

  • Ok, lib. I will give you that.
  • John Oliver is doing communist edging. The point is to get as near as possible to understanding the underlying systemic issues that are the actual cause of everything he looks at, without ever actually getting there.

  • NSFW
    Why'd they blur out his nipples?
  • My guess is he will be the kind of father that makes his kids really ask themselves later in life what he absolutely doesn't want them to to.

  • lol, win WHAT war?
  • Why did they tag the article with Iraq and Afghanistan? Someone writing this article should want less attention to be paid to those two.

  • Incredible things are happening on the weather nerd part of reddit
  • What if instead of being attacked with hijacked planes the WTC had been struck by the wrath of Poseidon? Terrifying thought. Imagine how many more people would have been killed. We should tell the people who lived through 9/11 but would have been killed if they had faced the vengeance of the God of the oceans to be thankful to al Qaeda. It could have been so much worse.

  • noooooo they killed the heckin murderdoggo
  • If I know the way the Israeli military hands out titles, there is no way that dog was anything less than a lieutenant colonel. Not exactly a civilian target.

  • Russia has taken out over half of Ukraine power generation
  • It's a bit bad. This will not be evenly distributed. Without reading up on this I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that the Azov freaks have access to all the electricity they need, while the Romani minority are probably not too high on the priority list.

  • She's at it again
  • I hope she Pokémon GOes missing like Agatha Christie and then shows back up with 11 days unaccounted for. That would make the internet a fun place for a while.

  • SHUT THE FUCK UP, and just fuck off already, holy shit
  • Hey! That's official Hexbear merch, she can't sell that!

  • Major breakthrough
  • Wait, what does "near perfectly" mean? It sometimes just fucks up and arrives at the wrong answer?

  • My dad passed away
  • I am so sorry. I am trying to prepare to go through the same thing. My dad has malign pancreatic cancer and there is no chance of him getting better.

    I recognize much of what you're saying, even if he is currently alive. My immediate reaction to hearing about his cancer was to go grocery shopping. You just kind of run on auto pilot for a while and then you blame yourself because the auto pilot worked. I'm stuck at bargaining still, because what if the chemo somehow doesn't just treat the daughter tumors? What if all the oncologists are wrong and he just bounces back? And how could I have acted differently so that he wouldn't get cancer? These are the questions of a madman and you must know as well that there is no real answer, nothing you could have done. I still have no idea how to make the questions stop though. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.

  • Deleted
  • But what if they drop the testicles and they roll away and one of their 4-year-old colonels gets distracted chasing them and runs into traffic? Not so funny then, eh?

  • ITT we share how we remember how to spell bourgeoisie
  • When I remember that it is from the French I think "Hon hon hon, baguette" to myself for a bit and then with all the respect that the French and their language are due I choose to spell it "Boar guys".

  • Chew a Jew
  • Why would you put the child back in your mouth and attempt to chew it!?

    Is it because you are a Jew as written by a 13th century Christian and are therefore operating on a "see a child, eat a child" system?

  • some international survivors saying they were used as a "sacrificial unit."
  • Are there still new people going over!? IThere was a rush of people in the beginning who just did not understand what air superiority meant, but my video game-addled brain assumed that any current volunteers would have found their audio logs conveniently scattered on the way there.

  • Yearly reminder that Dan Crenshaw wrote JRPG guides (post federation)

    For the third year running, but the first since federation, this is your yearly reminder that US politician Dan Crenshaw wrote several guides for the 2002 JRPG Suikoden 3. The guides consist of the most comprehensive walkthrough of the entire game, a guide to the endings and story scenes and a list of all the things your private investigator can tell you about the underage girls who are part of your army because it is a JRPG from 2002.

    Recap of the evidence gathered previous years:

    1. The guides are written under the user name dan_crenshaw, which is a good starting point for evidence but by no means enough on its own.

    2. The guides were written right after Dan Crenshaw finished high school, and stopped being updated once he started attending university, so he was the exact right age to be writing these guides and they coincide with a "break" in his life when we don't know what he did.

    3. The email adress for providing feedback ( matches a likely internet service provider for where he was in 2002.

    4. He clearly poked his own eye out to be able to look more like main character Geddoe (see picture)

    I am still curious if there are any reliable websites to find out how many Dan/Daniel Crenshaws there are in the US. The ones I have found were pointed out the previous years' iterations of this thread to be not too reliable.

    EDIT: Forgot to link to the actual guides! Here they are:
