If this meant that Uber was actually investing in the U.S. passenger rail system, then I’d cheer them on. It doesn’t, though, so Uber can continue to suck my ass.
Uber is an awful company, but rideshare as a whole is beneficial in the terms of getting less cars sold and used.
There is some attempt somewhere in the US to do a coop out of Uber, where there is no middleman public company and drivers get all the fares. I hope that works out.
If these people had any leverage or unity they would get what they want. When these "fighters" are weak and unable to bargain for the wages and conditions they want all they have is whining about "uber bad".
Hard to union when they are contractors with no direct way to communicate. Not to mention the company “contracting” them can just stop servicing the areas where the union talks are cropping up.
Is it possible? Yes. But extremely unlikely unless a major player in the union world steps up and pours in a shit ton of effort.
This is such a fucking boring take. It masquerades as anti-capitalist but it’s just plain anti-labor. Go do literally anything substantive without any labor, I’ll wait.
As a general concept, I don’t think you’re wrong. However, Uber in particular is problematic. They’re greedy, exploit their workers, and threaten municipalities that try to regulate them.
Odd that so many people here are implicitly defending all other companies like Nike, Apple and McDonald's... as long as it's not Uber exploitation is ok or something?
Seriously though cars are here to stay in some capacity. Trains aren't good ambulances.
When people push such absurd idealism all it does is make the more sensible approaches to sustainable trasit systems harder to argue for because everyone has already written it off after seeing people getting wild