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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • The common theme with us and the complaint from Linus is openSUSE. Dunno why these groups aren't set up as default on Tumbleweed, maybe some old and dusty security policy. This case seems to be some polkit nonsense going on, dunno why this is the default. But this is the sort of stuff a user without root password might bump into that would cause them pain.

  • Surprising amount of stuff requires root (or used to). It reminds me of this glorious rant from Linus from his less domesticated times (that he made on Google Plus hah).

    The highlight:

    So here's a plea: if you have anything to do with security in a distro, and think that my kids (replace "my kids" with "sales people on the road" if you think your main customers are businesses) need to have the root password to access some wireless network, or to be able to print out a paper, or to change the date-and-time settings, please just kill yourself now. The world will be a better place.


  • There's been a new sad development. Two of the people in the München car attack died, a mother and a child. And now just hours ago there's been a knife attack by a Syrian asylum seeker where at least one person has died.

  • People aren't entirely rational when they're afraid. Hell, people are not entirely rational on best of days. And I don't think they feel like other parties have done enough. A lot of people do, it's still a minority that are looking for AfD but if these things keep happening and other parties don't react strongly enough, we know what becomes of that.

  • Yeah. Buy and cook bigger portions, so you don't have to do that every day. You absolutely don't need to hoover every single day like come on. Same for laundry.

    I guess these are things they say need to be done, but I got the impression with how they said the hours of the day that it was stuff to be done every day, which is just ridiculous. There's not enough time even when you are being more sensible about this, but that's a good reason to try to be efficient.

  • German prosecutors on Sunday released the name of the 26-year-old Syrian man suspected of a multiple stabbing attack in the western city of Solingen that killed three people and injured eight others.

    On 20 December 2024, an SUV was driven into a crowd at the Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, killing 6 people and injuring at least 299 others. The driver of the car, allegedly 50-year-old anti-Islam activist Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen, was arrested at the scene.

    There was just days ago an attempt at mass murder that injured 30. This sort of shit obviously gets people worried and reacting out of that fear and worry

    E: A mother and child in the München attack have just died today and an hour ago there was a knife attack in Austria

    A 14-year-old boy has died and four people have been wounded in a knife attack in Austria.

    The suspect is a 23-year-old Syrian asylum seeker and has been detained, AFP news agency reported citing a police official.

    Fucking hell.