Surprise surprise. The CEO of a company I used to work for migrated to Fisker a good 10 years ago. By migrated I mean he injected a shit CEO who then ran down the company into bankruptcy and sold the pieces. This seems appropriate somehow. I mean the guy was alright, it's just that the other junk CEO fucked up the company. Sort of like Google do no evil meets "hey you're running out of the 15gb so I'm deleting your shit next month" CEO.
Good company before fiskar screwed over by bad CEO. CEO then goes to fiskar at different role but fiskar also bankrupts. Do you not see a pattern? LOL... I see patterns.
Sounds like the same page as injected C-levels pushing Precision-Scheduled-Railroading at railroads with a massive boost to share value via slashed labor pools. 2 years later when labor can't support operations and the company gets rekt, the new C-levels eject with a shiny parachute and dumped stocks.