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It's funny, if you go on most political subs on Reddit, a solid 3rd or more of posts are people asking "why do our opponents dumb and not agreeing with us when we are so smart and good?"

And 90% of the replies are people going "cuz they are dumb and bad!" and maybe like three guys heavily downvoted at the bottom trying to provide an actual explanation.

Not saying we NEVER get posts like that here. But the whole practice of making posts like these weekly/daily/hourly just screams insecurity to me. I feel like us HexBear commies are all pretty aware of why our opponents don't agree with us and don't need daily session of us all collectively reminding each other.

Edit: typo


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  • Liberals still believe it's the end of history and everything is getting steadily better, everyone who criticizes liberalism in any way is just hindering that progress because they're bad. They never stop to consider why anyone would do that.

    Well, actually they have, it's because of Russian propaganda.

    • What's that I hear? You don't support the genocide of Palestinians?? OK Boris, go back to Moscow am I rite!! smuglord

      I can't help but imagine there are liberals who disagree with genocide who are seeing these reactions - not just on social media but from leaders of the Democratic party too - and maybe wondering why the ebil RUZZIANS would be solidly on the morally correct side of this.

      • I can't help but imagine there are liberals who disagree with genocide who are seeing these reactions - not just on social media but from leaders of the Democratic party too - and maybe wondering why the ebil RUZZIANS would be solidly on the morally correct side of this.

        I wouldn't be surprised if they equivocated the genocide of Palestinians with the "genocide" of Ukrainians at the hands of Putin. In particular, both entities justify bombing civilian buildings by saying militants are using civilians as human shields. Of course, they won't acknowledge that Russia went out of their way to avoid hitting civilian areas until the tactic became widespread and that the Ukrainian military has a whole ass massive country to set up defenses in whereas zionists make no attempt to avoid killing civilians and Palestinian resistance fighters in Gaza are trapped in a place the size of an average city and have no where else to set up military installments.

        • Right, but my point is that if they believe the NAFO-tier bullshit about Russia doing a genocide, why do prominent Democrats immediately accuse people opposed to the genocide of Palestinians of being Russian shills? This is the contradiction I am assuming some liberals are noticing. No idea if they'll just set it aside or if it will drive further investigation into the contradictions of liberal politics, of course.

          • if they believe the NAFO-tier bullshit about Russia doing a genocide, why do prominent Democrats immediately accuse people opposed to the genocide of Palestinians of being Russian shills?


      • Don't you know, they aren't on the correct side, the evil Ruskys just wants to subvert American Democracy and Freedom™ however they can, so if they oppose a genocide it's just a coincidence.

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