Solutions to car dependency
Solutions to car dependency
Solutions to car dependency
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Just a note that a lot of these would be very negatively impactful on many lower income level people who depend on what transportation they can manage. If there was a fast move to replace the needs with public infrastructure like rail and bus, then maybe the financial hit would be less for them. "Get a job within walking or bike" doesn't always work out.
This problem is less significant if the transit is free. Even if the transit isn't free if transit is roughly the same speed as taking a car it would be far cheaper than car ownership.
And it could (and is in many places) be subsidised for low income people too, if free transit isn't politically viable. And the money raised from some of the other measures like congestion pricing and carbon pricing could partially be returned to low income people as well, with the rest going to further roll out public transit and active transport options.
roughly the same speed as taking a car
Yeaaaaah no, not even remotely true. And i say that as a bus driver (king county metro so Seattle and surrounding areas.) Even on my express routes that shoot down main roads or highways with minimal stops, taking your car directly will get you from one end of the line to the other in less than half the time.
You literally just can't make public transit the same speed, direct A >B with no stops will always be faster, especially when people REFUSE to be fucking ready to go when i pull up. Most people are but all it takes is ONE person who waits till after I've pulled up, they waited to step in, and ONLY THEN do they bring out their bag and start digging for their money/orca now making the whole route 3min behind. Before long the route is 10min+ behind
You are public transit relying on the same infrastructure and priority cars are. High speed rail, trams with dedicated right of ways and removing right of way from cars all can speed transit up and make it more competitive with cars. Buses are one of the lowest tiers and lowest quality of transit.
Hey maybe I've ridden on your bus before! Honestly, we need more protected bus only lanes, like not share with HOV at all. This would be a big boon especially on the 520 bridge. I think that + traffic light priority would be a big step forward. fuck cars
It would not solve much because it's never going to be enforced by traffic police. There are several sections in Bellevue and in certain parts of Seattle where the lane is already dedicated 100% bus only but that doesn't stop people from blocking the lane traveling in it and just otherwise making the lane worthless.
I think my absolute favorite is on Aurora where people will start accelerating to get up in front of me, only to cut me off so that they can pull into a parking lot. It's not like they didn't know that the bus was just traveling forward and wasn't going to stop or turn into a parking lot, but they felt the need to accelerate and pass the bus so that they could get in front of it and then practically come to a stop to make a turn
Saying “yea but it has to be done right” is such a load of wasted time and energy that you may as well not bother at all. You think people aren’t going to try to get it right? These aren’t the people you need to convince, they know this already.
I’m also curious as what “a lot” of these actually means because most of them don’t apply to poorer people in the slightest. The only ones I can think of are carbon taxes and weight taxes but:
You’re not saying anything except, especially without any sort of explanation, that you don’t have a firm enough grasp of the situation to be making comments.
Universal speed limiters ARE a waste of time, of course, when we can just build our roads right to naturally slow people.
Trams on every streets would be a tremendous waste of money as well, but a fairly dense network would be pretty feasible.
We also don’t actually need bike lanes on every street, just on streets busy and fast enough to warrant separating the traffic.
The only thing I can think of is that land value tax actually will just get passed to renters, and anyone just barely owning their home is gonna be fucked if another price jump like what's going on now happens. But that, too, can be fixed.
That's actually the neat thing about land value taxes; both in economic theory and observed practice, they can't be passed on to tenants.
It would absolutely be a boon for the poor if we replaced other forms of taxation (such as on sales and income) with land value taxes. Plus, land value taxes tend to make housing cheaper, which helps the poor as well.
Well hot damn what are we waiting for? Where do I sign?
Replace all roads with free mass transit. That should work.