A bit late
A bit late
"b-but bears are actually dangerous!" Shut the hell up.
A bit late
"b-but bears are actually dangerous!" Shut the hell up.
Do you live in India?
no, I live in a state where we have bears.
Well, if you lived in India, you would have had a point about walking down the street rape. However, walking down the street rape in the United States does not occur as much as you think it does.
Oh yeah the only place women have to worry about is india?
https://news.sky.com/story/who-is-josef-fritzl-the-rapist-who-kept-his-daughter-locked-in-a-cellar-for-24-years-12878269#:~:text=Fritzl was jailed for life,no longer posed a danger.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_Colleen_Stan#:~:text=According to Stan%2C Hooker feared,for the next three years.
https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/mystery/did-a-couple-who-kept-victim-captive-for-7-years-kill-missing-teen-marie-elizabeth-spannhake#:~:text=She also recalled Spannhake wouldn,a state park%2C she claimed.
not like evidence will sway you but for the rest of the class, fuck off with your absurd takes.
No. But India has the worst gang rape of women walking on the street than anywhere else.https://apnews.com/article/india-sexual-violence-rape-b9016c82074c08583080db846d64055b
South Africa had a poll where 1 in 4 men admitted to rape. https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/report/84909/south-africa-one-four-men-rape
America is not bad for walking down the street violent rape like you are talking about. They gang raped a girl on a bus in India.
so you're insinuating that men have a rape problem?
I'm saying all people have a rape problem. Just the link you gave where a couple raped a girl. I'm also saying America has a low walking down the street rape problem compared to India, South Africa, and Botswana.
you spend a lot of time thinking about rape in other countries don't you?
Not as much as you when you're walking down the street.
I spend zero time worrying about being raped, I'm a cis gender white male.
But you see, there's this thing called empathy - and when women tell me they're worried, I genuinely believe them, because history shows their fears are well founded.
There is a higher chance of being mauled by a pitbull than being violently sexually assaulted on the streets of America yet there is a large portion of people that say it's not the breed, it's how they were raised.
Why aren't men talked about with similar empathy? Why don't we acknowledge there are more women pedophiles recieve lighter sentences and sometimes aren't convicted at all? Do you have empathy for these children?