iFixit: We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration
iFixit: We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration

We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration | iFixit News

iFixit: We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration
We’re Ending Our Samsung Collaboration | iFixit News
Reading this from a Fairphone 3 that received a new battery and a new headphone jack three weeks ago (and which were both extremely easy to install).
I wish the bands worked in Canada
They don't? That's interesting. Well, I guess I'll go with google next time and flash it?
That's what my research suggests, it doesn't get a good signal in Canada because it's missing some of our bands.
Google phones still don't solve the repairability problem for me, but a Pixel with Graphene flashed onto it is theoretically the best thing for your privacy.
I'm hoping to make my current phone last as long as possible with hopes all phones will be a bit more repairable when the time comes.
Honestly I'm loving my FP5. I liked my previous two handsets, but between locked bootloaders and lack of support after a few years they weren't much use to me. I'm looking forward to a another eight years or so with this one, though.