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Like the morning dew
  • Mine actually drinks from his bowl just fine, which makes it even funnier that he goes for the sink puddles like it's some gourmet shit.

  • Capitalism breeds innovation.
  • I can appreciate a Jane Austen reference. Well done.

  • "Wie sehr kann ich das Leid von Kindern für meine Propaganda missbrauchen bevor es jemand merkt?"
  • Stimme nicht zu. Ich möchte über diese Sachen trotzdem diskutieren können. Viele hier haben gute Einsichten in das Thema, von denen ich lernen kann und auch auf den Kommentar wäre ich sonst nicht aufmerksam geworden

  • "Wie sehr kann ich das Leid von Kindern für meine Propaganda missbrauchen bevor es jemand merkt?"
  • Ich bin mir auch sehr sicher, dass es zumindest in den oberen Etagen schon bekannt ist, dass diese Maßnahme ineffektiv sein wird, da die Verbreitungskanäle bereits jetzt schon ganz andere sind. Die Gesetze sollen trotzdem kommen, damit man später sagen kann "Das Gesetz wirkt, aber die Kriminellen fliehen davor und nutzen jetzt andere Kanäle. Daher muss das Gesetz noch erweitert werden." Und so bekommen wir dann geräteweites Client-Side-Scanning (wozu es ja auch schon erste Gesetzesinitiativen gibt).

  • Barcelona will eliminate ALL tourist apartments in 2028 following local backlash: 10,000-plus licences will expire in huge blow for platforms like Airbnb - Olive Press News Spain
  • The district you're referring to is called Eixample (literally "extension"), which is a planned district that was built as a large scale construction project in the 19th and 20th century to expand the city and make room for more/more modern apartments.


  • 🤌🤌🤌
  • Gnocchi = Knee-OCK-key / Fibonacci = FIB-oh-NUH-chee

    I swear I'm fun at parties.

  • Etappensieg: Belgien scheitert mit Abstimmung zur Chatkontrolle
  • Das und der technologische Analphabetismus der typischen Deutschen.

  • Etappensieg: Belgien scheitert mit Abstimmung zur Chatkontrolle

    Die EU-Staaten einigen sich heute nicht auf eine Position zur Chatkontrolle. Die Ratspräsidentschaft hat die Abstimmung von der Tagesordnung genommen, weil sie keine ausreichende Mehrheit hat. Damit ist Belgien gescheitert, jetzt geht die Präsidentschaft an Ungarn.


  • Get that weak stuff outta here. I eat that much tofu as a topping on my gluten-free breakfast sandwich. And guess what the bread's made of. ::: spoiler spoiler Also tofu. :::

  • But how is he supposed to learn?
  • Wait, they don't disapprove when they're far away? Or do I have to send them to camp?

  • Weather Forecasting Coconut
  • Well-reasoned comment with adequate sources

    Sir, this is the internet.

  • Deleted
    Didn't expect to see this in front of a church
  • Multiple reasons, I suppose. I also grew up Christian (European protestant), and I would probably still call myself one, albeit an agnostic and very liberal one. A lot of what you wrote about your former beliefs and how they are in contrast to those of evangelicals resonated with me. Also, it's rare to find nuanced takes about religion on social network sites.

  • Deleted
    Didn't expect to see this in front of a church
  • Thanks for sharing, I very much appreciate it.

  • Deleted
    Didn't expect to see this in front of a church
  • May I ask what made you switch from Christian to former Christian? It seems like your beliefs in the gospel meant a lot to you in the past. What changed?

  • me_irl
  • Okay, but why the /s?

  • Rechtsextreme an Schule in Brandenburg: CDU-Politiker bringt AfD zur Schule
  • Bürgermeister ist in Bad Freienwalde seit vielen Jahren Ralf Lehmann (CDU). Und er steht hinter der Entscheidung: Mit Verweis auf den „Siegeszug der AfD“ bei den Europa- und Kommunalwahlen erklärt er der taz, dass ein Ausschluss der Partei von der Nutzung der Räume „an den politischen Realitäten vorbeigehe“.

    Ich könnte kotzen.

  • yay, no dunning kruger for me! hold up, oh no
  • This is a good and nuanced take, thank you for taking the time to write it down. Piggybacking on this, if anyone wants to dive more deeply into the subject of psychological measurement, there's an excellent book by Derek Briggs about this: Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Measurement in the Human Sciences: Credos & Controversies.

  • Futuristic movies timeline
  • That would certainly explain why there's apes everywhere.

  • Are there any third-party clients for Android that allow posting to both X and Mastodon?

    I realize I may be out of luck here, because Twitter/X seems to have locked out third-party apps real good. Still, my line of work still has many folks on Twitter/X, which makes it difficult for me to fully switch over to Mastodon, and I would love a client that could ease the pains that this social media limbo currently imposes on me.

    Anlasslose Massenüberwachung: Recherchen decken Netzwerk der Chatkontrolle-Lobby auf Anlasslose Massenüberwachung: Recherchen decken Netzwerk der Chatkontrolle-Lobby auf –

    Ein breites Netzwerk aus Tech-Firmen, Stiftungen, Sicherheitsbehörden und PR-Agenturen lobbyiert auf höchster EU-Ebene für die Chatkontrolle. Eine Recherche von mehreren europäischen Medien deckt nun die millionenschweren Zusammenhänge auf.

    Anlasslose Massenüberwachung: Recherchen decken Netzwerk der Chatkontrolle-Lobby auf –

    Ein breites Netzwerk aus Tech-Firmen, Stiftungen, Sicherheitsbehörden und PR-Agenturen lobbyiert auf höchster EU-Ebene für die Chatkontrolle. Eine Recherche von mehreren europäischen Medien deckt nun die millionenschweren Zusammenhänge auf.

    Link zum Original-Artikel bei Zeit Online (Paywall):

    Software Disenchantment Software disenchantment

    Everything is going to hell and nobody seems to care

    Recently re-discovered this gem of a blog post, written in 2018 by Nikita Propokov, about his disenchantment with the state of modern software. Do you think it's still relevant today (perhaps more/less so than it was when it was written)?

    Robot vaccums: Manufacturers and models that protect users' privacy? Robot vaccums: Manufacturers and models that protect users' privacy? -

    My partner and I are getting a cat and consider getting a robot vacuum cleaner for our apartment to help keep it clean. Up until now, I’ve been against getting one due to privacy concerns and negative reports about certain manufacturers (e.g., iRobot/Roomba). Now I’m reevaluating, because my partner...

    Cross-posted from:

    My partner and I are getting a cat and consider getting a robot vacuum cleaner for our apartment to help keep it clean. Up until now, I've been against getting one due to privacy concerns and negative reports about certain manufacturers (e.g., iRobot/Roomba). Now I'm reevaluating, because my partner is sensitive to dust, and regular vacuuming will be a must.

    Does anyone have any experience or recommendations about manufacturers or models with a light privacy footprint or good reputation on that front?

    I am aware that most robots that actually work will also gather data, and newer models even incorporate photo/video to improve pattern recognition performance. Still, I would be more comfortable with one that does that within reason (e.g., collects as little data as possible, transfers as little as possible to remote servers, encrypts data for transfer and storage).

    Robot vaccums: Manufacturers and models that protect users' privacy?

    Cross-posted from:

    My partner and I are getting a cat and consider getting a robot vacuum cleaner for our apartment to help keep it clean. Up until now, I've been against getting one due to privacy concerns and negative reports about certain manufacturers (e.g., iRobot/Roomba). Now I'm reevaluating, because my partner is sensitive to dust, and regular vacuuming will be a must.

    Does anyone have any experience or recommendations about manufacturers or models with a light privacy footprint or good reputation on that front?

    I am aware that most robots that actually work will also gather data, and newer models even incorporate photo/video to improve pattern recognition performance. Still, I would be more comfortable with one that does that within reason (e.g., collects as little data as possible, transfers as little as possible to remote servers, encrypts data for transfer and storage).

    Robot vaccums: Manufacturers and models that protect users' privacy?

    My partner and I are getting a cat and consider getting a robot vacuum cleaner for our apartment to help keep it clean. Up until now, I've been against getting one due to privacy concerns and negative reports about certain manufacturers (e.g., iRobot/Roomba). Now I'm reevaluating, because my partner is sensitive to dust, and regular vacuuming will be a must.

    Does anyone have any experience or recommendations about manufacturers or models with a light privacy footprint or good reputation on that front?

    I am aware that most robots that actually work will also gather data, and newer models even incorporate photo/video to improve pattern recognition performance. Still, I would be more comfortable with one that does that within reason (e.g., collects as little data as possible, transfers as little as possible to remote servers, encrypts data for transfer and storage).

    rustydrd rustydrd
    Posts 19
    Comments 275