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omg KDE if it ain't broken, fix it until it is?

omg KDE @kde if it ain't broken, fix it until it is?

#KDE #FeatureCreep


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  • If you think you have found a bug, please report it at This is will help get it solved as opposed to every other course of action.

      • Great! My advice is you politely comment on it with your own experience or your insight into what the correct behaviour should be. This will not only give devs a measure of the importance of this bug, but will also keep you in the loop of the process of its resolution.

        • @Bro666

          thanks for the good advice, looks like most important feedback has already been given so I'll pass

          also the account creation disclaimer is scary

          • The risk is low. Your email address is not visible by the general public. A spammer would have to go through a manual registration process to see it. Sounds like a lot of work for a small niche number of email addresses.

            Either way, when in doubt, do as suggested: use your spam-catching email address.

            • @Bro666

              spammers aren't the only bad actors 😉

              I really hope KDE will come to their senses and allow more login options

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