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  • Vote for him or Trump/fascism wins— and that’s the end of American democracy.

    There is no “question”

    • There is no “question”

      There is a question. Namely, whether we can replace Biden at the convention and whether it is a good idea to do so.

      To the second, at this point, having lost the confidence of his own party, I believe the answer is an unambiguous yes. To the first?

      Well. One way or another, I suspect we're going to find out.

      If Biden somehow rides this out by a miracle (or a devil's deal) obviously, Blue no matter who. Fascism is never an alternative to a shite candidate. But we have to face facts - Biden is no longer advantageous to the ticket.

    • The democratic party pushed a narrative that Bernie was unelectable and instead pushed a candidate that refused to even campaign in important states. When the truth was Bernie polled better against Trump than Clinton.

      Trump won.

      The democratic party chose Biden not because he could beat Trump (votes were always going to be anti-Trump), but instead picked Biden because he could beat Bernie.

      Biden's Justice department dragged it's feet to prosecute Trump in the hope that they could wait until election season and use his trials to stir up media coverage. We now live in a country that will continue to ride along the cliffside as every election will be democrats or else and they won't clean house because they view it as politically advantageous. And this has all happened because the most mild version of socialist policy was being discussed at the national level.

      But don't "question" it.

      • I was a Bernie guy. I attended several rallies, and I even met the guy. Even he would tell you to get the fuck over it. I have my (massive) grievances about that. I don’t need to be lectured about that.

        This isn’t about that.

        This is about stopping Trump at any cost, and if you can’t see that, I’m not sure what to tell you. Because this isn’t about soothing 8-9 year-old woes, this is about defeating fascism before it defeats American democracy. If you’re going to quibble over past grievances and undermine a far more important fight in the present, then I have more important work to do than waste time whining about shit that happened in 2016.


        • This is why American politics are so fucked. We can't even have a discussion about how we ended up in this position by looking back 9 years. How in the hell can we put context to what happened to the labor movement in the 1950s and how it applies to modern day struggles if we have to be so tunnel visioned into right now? How can we examine why the BLM protests fizzled with only a few cities making minor material changes, when the activism of the civil rights movement lasted over a decade?

          This isn't whining, this is looking at the context of the current moment and urging people to do something other than vote. Vote or don't vote I honestly don't care at this point, all I could do was laugh at the news today everything is so absurd, but if you're out here and the only thing you're doing is voting and urging others to do the same you're apart of the punchline.

          • No, no, no, don’t victimize yourself because I dismissed your piss-party about how you want to sabotage our last fight for democracy over a decade-old grievance by trying to recontextualize it as some sort of refusal to spontaneously engage in a middle-of-the-night marathon session of deep-dive political deconstruction of the 2016 democratic primaries and how Bernie got screwed, because that’s not what just happened, and you’re not anywhere close to smart enough to gaslight me into believing it is.

            But it’s cute of you to try. Adorable, even.

            But you’re, like, a couple of decades too young to try that kind of fuckery with me, kid.


            Now that you know what year it is (and who the candidates are), let’s see if we can keep your attention focused on the facts of the conversation rather than your past grievances.

            Can you muster that modicum of self-control?

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