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Chemicals from East Palestine derailment spread to 16 US states, data shows
  • Rail workers do not have the proper time to fully inspect cars and arrange them in the proper order due to understaffing and the high volume created by maximized rail schedules that prioritize profits over safety.

    That's a huge reason why rail workers wanted to go on strike before there was bipartisan cooperation led by Biden to take away their labor rights.

  • The Progressive Case for American Power
  • But the reality today is that there are authoritarian powers that are repressing their own populations, bullying neighboring states, and wielding economic influence and military force in other ways that are antithetical to progressive values.

    U! S! A! U! S! A!

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • Do you view the United States as an imperialist power? Either currently or in it's past? If in it's past at what point do you believe it stopped behaving as an imperialist nation.

    This is foundational level of understanding the world we live in and it's history, how that history got us to the present political climate. And if you're reaction to someone trying to have a conversation about it is to lash out like you have, then I have to ask another question.

    Who is the idiot here?

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • You really don't think it's possible that I am an American citizen that is critical of our government? That neither party represents working class people and I am fed up with spending billions in our name to kill children in order to secure resources we have no right to?

    Your brain can't handle that possibility and short circuits? China is also an imperialist power, but they don't use military power to go about it. That's not really pertinent to this conversation though is it?

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • Gerrymandering has been apart of American politics since the country's founding, before the concept was even given a name in 1812. When the parties weren't polarized from 1964–1992 there wasn't a need for drastic gerrymandering like we see currently, but it still happened from both parties to secure incumbent power. It's why it was never legislated against, both parties prefer to keep it around as it is yet another method of keeping the broken two party system in place.

    I'm being genuine, authentic, and fucking real with you. Both parties are shit and we deserve better. Democrats will never truly save you from the looming threat of Republicans because they are two sides to the same imperialist coin.

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • You're not paying attention. This is a huge problem with liberal voters, they are highly engaged when opposition is in power, yet completely oblivious while "their party" is in charge. Or somehow worse, they will decry obvious issues as helping the opposition (as we see in this thread) so that the needle only ever shifts slightly to the right as the party appeals to "moderates".

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • Well, looking beyond one local election might help.

    You don't quite understand what I am referencing if you think when I talk of recuperation that I am just referencing one election. Black Lives Matter is the biggest lightning rod that was very obviously recuperated in order to diminish it's radical politics, MLK was literally assassinated when his politics got too radical and threatening of the status quo and then his legacy was recuperated, even the New Deal was recuperation of the strongest labor movement because of it's deep socialist roots.

    These are long standing ongoing problems with our political system and those that maintain it's power.

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • If you saw unfortunate result because you put a check mark next to a D and expected something miraculous to happen, maybe you should start looking into the candidates instead of their party more often.

    WA state has top two elections so the majority of the time it's vote big D or little d. We also have statewide vote by mail so every election, primaries included, you can site down and research candidates as you mark off the ballot sheet, it's one of the few times I enjoy a glass of wine as I take my time with it as it takes up an entire evening.

    Any other misconceptions I can clear up for you?

    I don't see progress happening through the ballot box, increasingly I see more and more conservative liberals winning elections. And the progressives I once had hope for when they were first elected become more and more compromised as they try to work within the democratic party.

    FYI I downvoted you because you whined about your downvotes. Just thought you should know.

    Just as funny, but more so because you read commentary as complaining.

  • Lady Wray - Guilty
    WTF Leia?!

    cross-posted from:

    > This card is salt on the wound.

    Star Wars Unlimited - Review

    Actual review starts at 18:38.

    For all the great things they have to say about the game their scoring is heavily impacted by being a channel for board games. I agree with pretty much everything they have to say, except the art has really grown on me and I am glad they went in a different direction from previous SW card games. The art feels as fresh as the gameplay.

    And the gameplay is extremely good. FFG has announced that they have 3 additional sets already printed and an additional 6 ready to go. On top of that the tournament support makes organized play a priority for the game which I love as from what I can see WotC has been dropping that ball more and more as Arena has become more of their focus.

    Have you played the game? Are you interested?

    A Game-Changer for the Godot Engine

    Really stoked about this announcement.

    I'll Just Build One Deck

    Star Wars: Unlimited is filling the MtG hole after I got fed up with their mismanagement of the game.

    How to Play - Star Wars: Unlimited

    Really enjoying the game so far!

    I'll Just Build One Deck

    Star Wars: Unlimited is filling the hole left after I was tired of the way Hasbro has been handling MtG.

    Rose Windows - Glory, Glory
    Our School System Is Broken, What Can Workers Do?

    The guest this week has some great perspectives to share from inside the teacher's union.

    BATTLE CRY - Lamassu

    Stoner Metal

    JD McPherson - "Socks" [Lyric Video]
    Noname - namesake
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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