Looking for a good photoshop alternate
Looking for a good photoshop alternate
I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t anything any suggestions?
Looking for a good photoshop alternate
I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t anything any suggestions?
Have you heard of GIMP?
If that isn’t what you need; this site may help you: https://alternativeto.net/software/adobe-photoshop/
Yea I’ve tried it but I struggled with its UI and it just wasn’t what I was looking for
If you struggled with the UI because you're familiar with Photoshop, you may want to have a look at PhotoGIMP.
Otherwise Photopea.com is a free online photoshop clone.
I could never get photogimp to work. Like literally it would appear to install OK but just nothing would happen, Couldn't figure it out.
Also holy crap Photopea is actually impressive I did not expect it to be that advanced. Thanks for sharing.
What are you looking for? If you are into painting, Krita might be worth a try.
I use Krita it’s a favorite of mine but I’m looking for photo editing more than anything
I use Krita for infrequent no-stakes photo editing (and even pixel art at one point), might not be for everyone but there's a lot of overlap. Also you can use G'MIC with Krita, so that might help.
I used to use GIMP, but I prefer Krita now.
alternativeto.net Is a good place to look for software alternatives.
I was looking there this morning they’ve given me plenty of software I use but sadly not the photoshop alternate I’ve been looking for